Deploying MATLAB engine API for Python
Hi, To package a MATLAB function and deploy it as a Python application, follow the workflow described in the following link - ...

6 Monate vor | 0

How to connect kit stm32f411e discovery with simulink
Hi John, To successfully establish connection between Simulink and STM32 targets, a few pre-requisite setup tasks need to be co...

6 Monate vor | 0

Using Embedded code to generate bootable code- Aurix TC4x
Hi Archit, Regarding your first query, the “PWM” block in the Embedded Coder Support Package for “Infineon AURIX TC4x” Microcon...

6 Monate vor | 0

How to run simulink control and simscape model in different timming loops?
Hi, Integrating Simscape models with Simulink requires certain changes to Simulink defaults and consideration of physical simul...

6 Monate vor | 0

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Facing error in this example openExample('whdl/WHDLOFDMTransmitterExample')
Hi, On running the shipped example “whdl/WHDLOFDMTransmitterExample” on MATLAB R2023b, I did not encounter the error mentioned...

7 Monate vor | 0

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xcpA2L error: Error using numel Bad subscripting index.
Hi Shannon, The issue you are facing seems to be due to a version mismatch in the A2L version. From the MATLAB R2021b release ...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to make non inlined s-functions inlined for code generation
Hi Aubrey, Writing S-functions to be included in generated code involves requirements that go beyond writing S-functions used ...

7 Monate vor | 1

Programmatically to get member data type in In Bus Element Block
Hi, To programmatically obtain the data type attribute value of an In Bus Element, the function “get_param” should be used. Th...

7 Monate vor | 0

SSIM calculation for RGB images
Hi, There is an operational difference in the function “ssim” when called without passing the name-value argument “DataFormat”...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to treat 200 rows of data as an event when constructing a Timetable, as a piece of data, the size is 200*1
Hi Wensor, Using the “array2timetable” function, you can directly convert numeric data from arrays to a timetable. This can be ...

7 Monate vor | 0

Simulink generated code optimization - CPU Load
Hi Oldrich, The increase in CPU load when substituting manual code with generated code from the Simulink model can arise due to...

7 Monate vor | 0

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Calculating Power of Specific Spatial Frequencies of pictures
Hi Olivia, Please refer to this answer provided by a MathWorks staff member that describes in detail the workflow that uses Dis...

7 Monate vor | 0

solving this maximization problem
Hi Fatemeh, Optimization of an equation with a two variable function can be solved using MATLAB’s optimization toolbox. Please ...

7 Monate vor | 0

Transmit and receive at the exact time (start in parallel not in sequence)
Hi Abdelrahman, The functionality of a “parfor”-loop in MATLAB is to simplify repeated loop iterations by executing a series o...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to tune PI controllers of MIMO system?
Hello Chandu, A workflow to tune a MIMO Control System for Specified Bandwidth using PI controllers can be found in the MathWor...

9 Monate vor | 0

How can I differentiate a function in Simulink with respect to a variable included in the function itself?
Hello Mohamed, The first derivative of the function included in the post must be calculated, which is a linear equation. In the...

9 Monate vor | 0

how to measure the average duty cycle in discrete domain
Hi Jayshree, I understand you are working on a model that calculates the duty cycle of a pulse. It seems like the model is perf...

9 Monate vor | 0

How do I compute phase noise of a signal I have imported from LTSpice ?
Hi Koustubh, I understand the issue you are facing is an error message about inconsistent array dimensions while using the “pha...

10 Monate vor | 0

How to use output number to display corresponding block of image?
Hi, From my understanding of the post, there exists an image, and the goal is to find a specific point. The image is divided in...

10 Monate vor | 0

How to compute correlation between estimated residuals and input data x?
Hi, I understand that you want to compute the correlation between the estimated residuals of your regression model and each of ...

10 Monate vor | 0

Scaling a PNG image inside a Panel in a MATLAB APP
Hi, From my understanding of your post, you are looking to make an image that exists inside a panel of your MATLAB app resize a...

10 Monate vor | 0

How to properly connect to TI F28025C for code generation and model debugging?
Hi Raul, From your description of the issue, errors seem to come up when you try to run your Simulink model on the TI hardware ...

10 Monate vor | 0

Not able to dump hardware code from Simulink to F28379D launchpad
Hi Neil, From your post, my understanding is that you are experiencing an issue with deploying code to the F28379D LaunchPad us...

10 Monate vor | 0

Hello I am trying to convert a ltspice capacitor part into a simulink part through Matlab
Hi Tahsina, The function “subcircuit2ssc” reads the SPICE netlist specified as a parameter and converts every subcircuit into o...

12 Monate vor | 0

How to generate C function to return a bool
Hi Duane, From the second attached code snippet (the desired generated code), I assume that the intended functionality is to ha...

12 Monate vor | 0

realtime data from accelerometer using matlab
Hi Ahad, Do refer to this MATLAB Answers post that details how to measure accelerometer data (using a BMA220 sensor) on a wide ...

12 Monate vor | 0

How to import STLs into MATLAB WHILE maintaining their coordinate system
Hi Andrew, STL files can be imported and aligned in the following methods – Using “stlread” -

12 Monate vor | 0

How to deploy ML model on thingspeaks
Hi Arnav, There is a "Developing an IoT Analytics System with MATLAB, Machine Learning, and ThingSpeak" paper linked from the T...

12 Monate vor | 0

How to run two Simulink models at different rates, in the same workspace?
Hi John, I understand that you want to run “Modeled sys” at a faster rate than “Physical sys” from the description of the post....

12 Monate vor | 0

Creating Dataset of varying length Signals
Hi Denis, The topic of classifying time series data of varying lengths was touched upon in another MATLAB Answer. It is suggest...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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