How to remove a value from a vectort and revaluate it?
Just editing your code.. maxiter=1000; M=zeros(maxiter,1); M=(0.8+0.8*randn(maxiter,1)); for ii=1:length(...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

What function for writeVideo?
I don't believe that class was available in 2009a. ( I might be wrong..) Do you have VideoWriter doc VideoWriter There i...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

Substituting NaN values of one matrix to another?
Some thing like this; a=[1 2 3;4 1 0 ;1 3 8] b=[4 5 6; 7 8 9; 1 2 3] b(a>3)=NaN; % anything above 3 in a becomes Na...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

Using Log in Matlab
I get the correct result both times A=1000; B=3; M2=[1 2;3 4] M=5*log10(A)-B+M2 M = 13.00 ...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

Need help figuring out what I am doing wrong with my graph
use bar(valueMin:valueMax, distribution(valueMin:valueMax)) with out the 'hist' option

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Having trouble taking the mean of my list
You are redefining the functions mean, min and max. It will not work unless you change the names of those variables.. More h...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1

How to convert strings to a matrix
You could also try in='Hello World' splitstring = textscan(in,'%s'); out=splitstring{:}'

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to change width and height of image?
im = imread('harry.jpg'); info = imfinfo('harry.jpg'); hoyde = info.Height; bredde = info.Width; i...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

How can i find the resolution of an image?
Use 'imfinfo' E.g. info = imfinfo('new1.jpg') info = Filename: [1x95 char] FileModDate: '01-...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

What is this error means? on mac r2012b: "Undefined function 'impulse' for input arguments of type 'double'."
It probably means you not have the Control System Toolbox. Use the ver command to see if you havethe toolbox ver or se...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

For loop element Matrix construction
This video should help: <> You can save the output in a v...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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HOW to import data to MATLAB
try this syt=urlread(''); startvalue=strfind(syt,'day-temp-current...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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problem with matrix selection
You will have to clear a row or a column completely to remove row a=[1 2 3;4 5 6; 7 8 9] a(2,:)=[] % remove 2nd row ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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Why doesn't .3 - .2 - .1 = 0
This should answer your question. Look at the wiki under the section Why_is_0.3_-_0.2_-_0.1_.28or_similar.29_not_equal_to_zero? ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

I don't have the function 'squareform' which I need to run 'linkage'
squareform is part of the statistics toolbox. You need to buy the statistics toolbox from the MATHWORKS if you do not have it. T...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How to sort the data with respect to a column in matlab
doc sortrows Suppose you want to sort matrix A according to the 15th column you would use out=sortrows(A,15)

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 6

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JUST Take integer value number from decimal value
a=4.321323; out=floor(a)

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

save a vector in an array
try for ii =1:length(date_time_l) [~, ind(ii)] = min(abs(numdates-(date_time_l(ii)))); end

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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i want to know how many times a value repeated in excel
If you know which value you want to find the count of a=[1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6]; % input values numberofFives=sum(a==5)

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Why was vision.PeopleDetector not installed?
If I remember right vision.PeopleDetector was introduced in R2012b (CVT ver 5.1). You seem to be using R2012a (which came with C...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

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where is the mistake?
You missed the * after 2 in the last terms use throwfun = @(x) x.*tan(a)-((g*x.^2)/(2*(v*cos(a))^2)); ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

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how to divide the sampled data into segments?
You question is not very concise but I am assuming this is what you need. <

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

how to detect black answered spot in omr sheet!!
The following project might help <>

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How to find value parameter in command window from m file matlab?
Edit your code as follows, you missed two close brackets in the pfit(k) line function Pfit=VarProb(p); w0=p(1) ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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building a 3D matrix
All you need to do is for i=1:2; for j=1:3; x(:,j,i)=[i+j+1;j*2 ]; % add the 3rd dimension i en...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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Using IF to remove upper and lower boundaries
I think this is what you need if (theta1 > 0.7297 || theta1 < -0.7297) continue end You can enter both conditions...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

matlab program for particle swarm optimization
The following might be of help to get you started <> <http://www.m...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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dividin image in two sectors
Following is thread that shows how to divide an image into 4 parts,, just edit the code some to divide into 2 halves <http://w...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Displaying a 3D DICOM Image Slice
THe following File exchange submission might help <

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Save variables in a new directory (not current directory)
you have to use save with the entire path.. save('C:\My folder\filename','varname') You could also look at the FULLFILE ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 8

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