shift -discrete signal
Assuming you have a signal x sampled at a rate of 600 microseconds and you want to shift it to the right by 100 microseconds, ...

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parrot miniquadcopter simulink model
In the MATLAB/Simulink Quadcopter project with the Parrot Mambo miniquadcopter model, the "motor command" is not a standard phys...

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How to generate network topology for several LoRa nodes as mesh network ?
Creating a mesh network for LoRa (Long Range) nodes can be a complex task as it depends on various factors like terrain, node ...

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Fit simbiology model to cmax or AUC data
Fitting a SimBiology model to data when you don't know the time of the Cmax (maximum concentration) can be challenging, but it's...

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I'm developing a deep learning-based MPPT algorithm in TensorFlow. I don't know how to create custom loss functions and custom layers for this specific application
Creating Custom Loss Functions: Import TensorFlow: Start by importing TensorFlow in your Python script or Jupyter Notebook. im...

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How to find the maximum of a 2d function in specific interval?
You can find the maximum value of your 2D function within a specific interval in MATLAB by using the following steps: Define ...

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How to calculate the percentage of wavelet coherence value and significant coherence region
To calculate the percentage of wavelet coherence value and identify significant coherence regions, you can follow these steps ...

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how do I Design and implement a 20-band DFT filter bank in MATLAB.
To design and implement a 20-band Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) filter bank in MATLAB, you can follow these steps: DFT Filte...

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Multiple Target Tracking using data coming from a real device
To develop a multiple target tracking system using data from a real radar device in MATLAB, you have a good set of toolboxes tha...

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EV charging station Analysis
A dataset of EV charging station usage in MATLAB to generate insights, such as peak usage times and popular charging station loc...

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Optimal Battery Charge and Discharge Simulation
Behavior of a battery, considering parameters such as maximum and minimum capacity, charging and discharging currents, and volta...

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What is the best way for frame construction?
Converting events from an event camera (also known as a dynamic vision sensor, DVS) to traditional frames is a process called ev...

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im trying to run matlab video processing code and getting this error "Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
The error you are encountering, "Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1)," suggests that there is an issue ...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 4

Plots are generated as a screenshot of whole screen using Publish Tool?
you did not mention the exact point as of my knowledge I shared some of them please check. Set Figure Dimensions figure...

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how to plot sine wave signal with synchronous and non synchronous sampling?
Please check the python code: Import the necessary libraries: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt D...

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Specific toolbox or functions that can assist in simulating the impact of different EV charging stations placement strategies
MATLAB offers various toolboxes, such as Simulink and Power Systems Toolbox, that can be used to simulate the impact of differen...

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Determination of optimal placement of EV charging station
MATLAB's Optimization Toolbox provides a range of optimization algorithms and tools that can be used to solve complex mathematic...

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Is there any layer like additionLayer that can give multiple outputs?
There is a layer like additionLayer that can give multiple outputs. It is called the ConcatenateLayer. The concatenate layer tak...

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I am writing a code for demand side management using game theory .But I am getting some errors in calculate utility line.
The error message is saying that the index 2 exceeds the array bounds. This is because the setdiff() function returns a vector...

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Example of Reinforcement learning for classification
import reinforcementlearning as rl # Load the image data image_data = load('images.mat'); # Create the reinforcement ...

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How to implement the bayesain optimization in NN model structured with back propagation algorithm?
Bayesian optimization is a technique for finding the optimal hyperparameters of a machine learning model. It works by constr...

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read specified data range for fread a large binary file
Yes, it is possible to read a specific range of data from a binary file in MATLAB. You can use the fread() function to read da...

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How to calculate load carrying capacity using matlab code for journal bearing ?
function load_carrying_capacity = integrate_pressure(pressure, theta) """ Integrates the pressure over the bearing are...

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How to simulate a blue laser using MATLAB
% Import the necessary libraries import control.lib.ode % Define the parameters of the laser diode wavelength = 440...

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Convert Timeseries to Timetable for an R202a version.
Create a new variable to store the converted timetable. Use the array2timetable function to convert the Timeseries to an ar...

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I want to know which of the two spaces each point belongs to in a 3-dimensional space divided into two parts by a single plane.
To find which of the two spaces each point belongs to, you can use the following steps: Substitute the coordinates of the point...

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How can I access the properties of A class in B class without creating objects?
Yes, there is a way to get the properties of PropertyAccess in ClassA without creating objects. You can do this by using the m...

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Matlab and Raspberry Pi 4 with Analog Voltage Inputs
There are a few different ways to acquire analog voltage signals with MATLAB/Simulink and Raspberry Pi 4. One way is to use a de...

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Try to create Vivado project with HDL coder
The error message you are getting is saying that the Vivado project cannot find the board definition for the Zedboard board....

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Multiple moving points in an area with the given velocity
Moving random number of points in an area at a given velocity: clc close all % Define the area of movement x_min = 0; x_m...

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