How can i use this image file in matlab?
Hi, you image size is Name Size Bytes Class Attributes I 250x282x17 2397...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

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how can we PSNR ratio for images?
Check out the < link> on file exchange to compute the PSNR betwee...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

Image subtraction for vessel segmentation in angiogram image?
you could try enhancing the image , it all depends on the type of noise present in the image, for example histeq or finding the ...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Adding legend to plot window before actually plotting
Did you try to go in Edit-> Figure Properties in the plot window?

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

image processing,SIFT and cell array
Try posting your code of what you have done so far and which part you need help.Otherwise the question is too vague ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

cannot open local matlabpool
Which OS and which matlab version are you using?

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same. matlab error
I think you might need to initialize d here before making the addition

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to substitute call to imshow() with image()
If you don't have the IPT, try using imdisp from file exchange <

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

error to display image
If you are reading direclty from a video, you should probably use the step function: For example: filename = 'shaky_car...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Processing Video Frames with Markers
template matching could work.. you compare the template in your reference image with your other frames, you can check 'normxcorr...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Randomly neighbouring pixels from image
you could use imdilate with a strel to expand the pixels area

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Imwrite within a function
one of the many solutions: temp =; new_name = [temp,'_MaskFiltered.tiff']; imwrite(modified_image,new_nam...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Problem with ifftn and ifftshift??
Sounds like Imaginary components are there due to round off errors, try extracting the real part f = real(ifft2(F));

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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How do you initialize an N*M matrix?
you could initialize the matrix, M = zeros(n,m);

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

finding x and y coordinates of the image and spline fit
if your boundary is black on the binary image, you can try the following: [a,b]= find(Im==0);

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

extract boundaries of images
did you try to use edge detection techniques such as canny or sobel? Also, I would give morphological operations a try to see...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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How to construct array for 45 degrees integral image
you can look into imrotate to change rotate the image?

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Set pixel value to zero in intensity image
I = imread(img); I(614,513)=0;

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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how can i create noise by using (gaussian, speckle, salt&pepper) just creation
You can use the function 'imnoise' This should get you started..<>

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

marking line point on image and intensity profile
Assuming you are looking for pixels with intensity, 128; I = imread(img); ind = find(I==128); I(ind)=255;

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Displaying gif Image in Matlab
I = imread('image_name.gif'); imshow(I)

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

Correlation coefficient for image pixels
Hello, I am pretty sure corr2 returns a value , <> You need to compare ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How can I specify a folder path using input?
ID = [in_path,'\',ID]; cd(ID)

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Draw borders inside imagesc matrix
Not sure if this solves your problem but did you check *grid on* There is an example <

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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I don't understand the Icolored(:,:,1/2/3).
Coloured images are basically made up of Red, Green and Blue channels. Each colour code is stored in a given dimension and what ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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if i've three images for the same scene but are corrupted with additive uncorrelated noise , which operation can i use to reduce the level of noise??
you could try averaging or a Gaussian filter.. which type of noise is it? salt & pepper noise? blur?

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0


Apply transform on an image at lower resolution onto that of higher resolution
Hello, I am performing a transformation for video stabilization on frames at 0.125 of the original size. I would now like to inf...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 0



Automatic detection of veterbrae regions.
This might be a <> to start

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Image segmentation using classifier
SVM is a machine learning technique where you will need to train the positive and negative try typing 'docsearch svm' in you...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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