i need to plus all numbers in my Array of 3x3 then divide that number by its area using save ,for loop, function
You can sum all the elements of an array using the sum function. For example A = magic(3) S = sum(A,"all") You can save to fi...

6 Monate vor | 0

How can I make x and y axis dates with contour?
That limitation is a shame. One awkward solution is to convert the datetime values to datenums (which are purely numeric), and ...

6 Monate vor | 0

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using PCA to filter outliers in MATLAB
There is a built-in MATLAB function, rmoutliers, for detecting and removing outliers. I frankly did not read all your code, but...

6 Monate vor | 1

Detection of storms from precipitation data
I think this does what you want. It is easy to make minor indexing mistakes, so you should double-check: % Load data load("VE_...

6 Monate vor | 0

How to calculate Bootstrap confidence interval
As you may have noticed already, the data have a huge variance around that fit: x = [6 10 14 20 26 34 38]'; y = [122 107 119 1...

6 Monate vor | 0

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don't understand output of fitlme, intercept substituted for first line.
The output is not substituting 'Intercept' for a level of your coefficient. It looks like your variable voc_registers is catego...

6 Monate vor | 0

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Does the curvefit toolbox return the equation for the best fit line (or curve)?
Yes, you can get the coefficients of the best-fit equation. @Torsten's comment illustrates where you can see them in the UI, and...

6 Monate vor | 0

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what is the best way to learn deep learning for medical imaging?
If you are talking specifically about using MATLAB, then I suggest you start with the Deep Learning Tutorials and Examples with ...

6 Monate vor | 0

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anyone can help me explain the meaning of the following code?
I ran your code here. It seems pretty obvious what it does, right? You might want to do the free online MATLAB Onramp tutorial,...

7 Monate vor | 0

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Set scale of boxplots
% Make some pretend data rng default x = 1.e-5*rand(1000,16); % Boxplot boxplot(x) % Fix the y-axis scale ylim([0 1.e-...

7 Monate vor | 0

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matrix, where each element is a column vector
ETATT=cell(11,7); % initial matrix Etat=zeros(1001,1); % column vector, contained in each element of the ETATT matrix % Fill...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to apply individual color to each bar on a bar chart plot
The documentation for the bar command has a section on how to control individual bar colors.

7 Monate vor | 1

Why does my fit to a PDF generated using a histogram not add up to 1 or give me correct expected value?
I can't run your code to completion, because fofaveless is not defined, so I can't calculate the variable continuous. But, it l...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to spline 163 data points into 100 data points?
I expect you want to use the spline method in the interp1 function. It may be possible to give more specific help if you upload ...

7 Monate vor | 0

1-Way Repeated ANOVA
I don't have any experience with this type of modeling, but it looks like you should be able to use fitrm followed by ranova on ...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to cycle through elements in an array in Matlab
You can utilize the same idea. Just offset by one inside outside mod(): A = [2 3 5 7]; % Illustrate the mod() cycle with off...

7 Monate vor | 2

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Why does this code give error?
It's because randi(1,Nb) generates an Nb*Nb array. You need randi(1,Nb,1) as below clear;clc; fc = 3e8; Nb = 1000; %% ...

7 Monate vor | 0

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plot legend shows wrong linespec
The syntax you are using created a plot with 402 "lines". The first 401 are red, and the last one is blue. load('data') % I di...

7 Monate vor | 1

want to use output matrix obtained for every iteration of a for loop in another for loop.
Here are two possibilities: % Save into cell arrays nsmall = 4; mcell = cell(nsmall,1); for k = 1:nsmall mcell{k} = ran...

7 Monate vor | 0

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How to add a cumulative constant to all values on each row of a matrix, starting from the bottom row and ending at the top row?
There are many ways to do this. Here is one way: % Inputs in = [1 2 3; 1 2 3; 1 2 3]; constant = 0.5; % Algo...

7 Monate vor | 1

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Score transform for RUSBoost in fitcensemble
The documentation for the predict function of fitcensemble lists the score transforms (to convert scores to probabilities) for t...

7 Monate vor | 1 Antwort | 0



How to fix "Error using /, Matrix dimensions must agree"
Take a look at the documentation on Array vs. Matrix Operations. I used element-wise division (using ./ rather than /) in your ...

8 Monate vor | 0

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How to run logistic regression with state variables?
When you specified the model as modelspec1 = 'DefaultFlag ~ Dist_to_DFLT*CreditStateCategory - Dist_to_DFLT:CreditStateCategory...

8 Monate vor | 0

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How to fix matrix dimensions
In this expression Q/pi*sigmaz*sigmay*u only pi is going to be in the denominator. Since your expression bears some resemblan...

8 Monate vor | 0

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Building an array of strings that might be empty
If the fields are empty strings, your first syntax will not concatenate them. It will make them into a string array: app.XminEd...

8 Monate vor | 0

How to convert dates into Julian dates?
Assuming your dates are currently stored as a numeric array, then dates = [20230409 20230414 20230504 20230514 2023...

8 Monate vor | 0

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The Tsunami model has need to fixed this problem
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in this! I was not able to track down the exact (Goring & Reichlan) reference from the documenta...

8 Monate vor | 0


Dictionary with key-value pair of string ---> string array?
Using the older containers.Map object, I can map a string to a string array: keySet = ["Jan";"Feb";"Mar"]; valueSet = {["New Y...

8 Monate vor | 1 Antwort | 0



why the plot are all zeros?
If you set a breakpoint at the code % Update number of processing tasks on neighbor vehicle numVehicleTasks(j) = numVehicleTas...

8 Monate vor | 0

Moving the position of the colorbar label
It is possible to do so. I found out how from this answer. figure surf(1e7*peaks) c = colorbar; drawnow() c.Ruler.Seconda...

8 Monate vor | 1

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