
Replace Nan!
Replace Nan in the given vector(v) with 9999.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Geometric Series
Given x and n, give the sum of x ^ 1 to x ^ n. You should not have to use a loop for this.

fast 7 Jahre vor


raise 1/3
Raise a number to 1/3 power.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Speed of car travelling x meters in y seconds
What is the speed of a car if the car travelled x meters in y seconds? Supply the answer in m/s.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Area of square
Find the area of a square whose diagonal length is given as x.

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Check availability of a number in an array
An array is given A=[1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10]. Find whether the number n is present in given array or not. If the number n is prese...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Divisible by 21
Write a function to determine if a number is divisible by 21.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Area of a Square
Given the length x of the side of a regular square, find the area of the square, A.

fast 7 Jahre vor


How brilliant are you?
A Brilliant number is defined as a number with two prime factors, both of which have the same number of digits. Some examples: ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Replace Negative(-) by 0 and positive by 1
In a given Matrix Replace all element having *Negative sign with 0* and *Positive elements with 1* .

fast 7 Jahre vor


Shift elements of vector left
Shift elements of vector to the left. For ex. : Input_vec = [1 2 3 4 5] Output_vec = [2 3 4 5 1]

fast 7 Jahre vor


Rotate it!
Given a set of points, your aim is to rotate it by a given angle "theta" CCW (in 2d). The points are given in a matrix(x) of dim...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Sum of self power series
The series, 1^1,2^2,3^3,4^4,.... Find the sum of such series when x terms are given.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Calculate the number of elements in a matrix.
Calculate the number of elements in a matrix.

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Weighted average
Compute the weighted average Y, of the vector A, given the weight vector W. The weighted average is the sum of the dot produc...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Determine whether the number is multiple of 3 or not
Let a=6 and as 6 = 2*3 which means 6 is multiple of 3; return true if a is multiple of 3,otherwise false.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Find the maxmum value of N*N Matrix
Input x=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] output: y=9

fast 7 Jahre vor


Find the minimal value in N*N Matrix
Suppose that we have N by N matrix, we try to find the minimal value in that matrix. examples: Input A=[1 2 3 5 6;52 58 56 45...

etwa 7 Jahre vor


number of groups
In a classroom, *n* students work on a special project and the other students work in groups of five. If there are 18 students i...

etwa 7 Jahre vor


Is matlab fun?
Returns 'yes' no matter the input.

etwa 7 Jahre vor


Percentage profit
If you are buying at x dollar, what will be the selling price for making the r% profit?

etwa 7 Jahre vor


Percentage profit:2
If you are selling at x dollar, you are facing r1% profit; what will be the selling price for making r2% profit?

etwa 7 Jahre vor


Kinetic Energy
Given mass, m, and kinetic energy, KE, find the velocity of the object.

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


Divide the Least Common Multiple by the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers
Divide the Least Common Multiple by the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers. For example, for x=12345 and y=54321, the answer...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


Calculating cost
You sold a Product at $x and gain 10% What was the cost of the product?

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


Calculating selling price
Cost of a Product is $x What should be the selling price if you want to gain 10%?

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


Halder function
Find the halder function value of a number

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find max
You are given an array number find the maximum

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find minimum
find the minimum from an array

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find sum of the numbers in array
calculate the sum of numbers in a given array

mehr als 7 Jahre vor

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