The non-seasonal moving average polynomial is non-invertible
Hi Roberto, The error message “the non-seasonal autoregressive polynomial is unstable” indicates that some of the eigenvalues...

etwa 9 Jahre vor | 6

var2vec standard errors
Hi Folmer, When we convert a VAR to VEC, using VEC = var2vec(VAR), we assume that the VAR coefficients are known, so that the...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

How to impose restrictions on a parameter matrix
Hi Imner, Eigenvalue restrictions are nonlinear constraints imposed on the least square estimators. To estimate parameters, w...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

what does 'bounds' signify in the autocorr function
Hi aboltabol, If we put autocorr(y), it will assume the true process is a white noise, under which the autocorrelations rho(...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How to get the expected Hessian variance-covariance matrix from vgxvarx?
Hi Lisa, The parameter covariance matrix is not an output variable of VGXVARX, while the standard errors are returned as the ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Is it possible to adapt a vector autoregressive model’s parameters continuously without the need to rerun vgxvarx?
Hi Peta, The VGXVARX function cannot adapt model parameters, but the idea you proposed can be implemented. VAR models are typ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

GARCH Error: Econometrics Toolbox
You might consider adding a mean equation, say an AR(p) process, to your model, as I saw the “Offset” term is Inf and the “Const...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

problem with estimate ARIMA
Hi Jan, The error means that there are eigenvalues outside the unit circle. Since an explosive economic time series is unlike...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Problem with vector autoregressive model (vgxvarx) - "Covariance is not positive-definite."
Hi Peta, The codes appear syntactically correct. You might want to check the correlations of your 27 variables and the consta...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Counting the Floating Point Operations (FLOPS)
Scan and parse each line of MATLAB codes, and infer FLOPS based on matrix sizes

fast 10 Jahre vor | 26 Downloads |

5.0 / 5

Including exogenous (predictor) variables in the state equation of a state space model
I think there are couple of ways to put an exogenous term in the state equation. First, we may add a constant one as the sta...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

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New vs Old Econometrics Toolbox: garchset/garchfit vs gatch/estimate/infer for getting conditional standard deviations
I think there are two main causes of the result discrepancy. First, the GARCHFIT estimates an offset term (the intercept term...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

ARMA simulation and estimation
The ESTIAMTE method of ARIMA does not accept multiple paths of data. Instead, we may estimate the model path by path using a FOR...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

Hi, I want the EGARCH code with mean and variance equation specification for the estimation of idiosyncratic volatility.
I would suggest ARIMA functionality for the mean equation and a name-value pair “Variance” for a conditional variance model obje...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

How to compute confidence bands for IRF's within in vgx framework?
Hi Esben, I am not aware of an easy way to compute the confidence intervals of the impulse-responses using vgx functionalitie...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

Wind speed prediction using ARIMA model
To forecast an ARIMA model, we want to provide both a fitted model as well as data. The former only carries model coefficients, ...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 3

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Inquiry on Johansen method (jcitest function)
I think the number of cointegrations inferred from the data is suggestive rather than conclusive. If we have some theory that ba...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

Estimate state-space model parameters using Parameter Mapping function
If we included the beta*S*I term, the state transition would be non-linear with respect to past states B, S, I, P, and D. In tha...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to get GARCH parameters into a vector
To save the GARCH estimator as a vector, add a line to the above codes: estParams = [cell2mat(fit.GARCH), cell2mat(fit.ARCH)]...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

How can I estimate a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Model by OLS?
Yes, estimation of a VAR(p) model by OLS is possible using the vgxvarx functionality. The vgxvarx uses maximum likelihood for r...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 2

Why would vgxsim and vgxpred yield different forecasts?
I think vgxsim and vgxpred will produce the same forecasts as long as the presample values are specified. For a VAR(p) model, vg...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

Error With Forecasting ARIMAX Model
To forecast the ARIMA model, we want a model with all coefficients being known. After parameter estimation, the fitted model is ...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Toolkit on Econometrics and Economics Teaching
Many MATLAB routines related to econometrics, statistics and introductory economics teaching.

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 41 Downloads |

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