Error in building custom ros messages
Hello Mustafa, Looking at the error message, it seems that the python virtual environment was not been created properly. Could ...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

Creating Custom ROS2 message types for simulink
Hello Andre, When running "ros2 msg list", are you able to see the custom message you are trying to use? If not, you would need...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

vision.blobanalysis used in ROS code generation does not support dynamicMemoryAllocation for AllVariableSizeArrays, but needed for ROS code gen
Hello Matthew, Since the "step" function does not want "unbounded" input, one idea that worth trying is to create an empty fixe...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Simulink Ros, code generation
Hello Nicolas, In R2019a, not all codes will be generated into the *_ert_rtw folder. Instead, they were packed in the *.tgz fil...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

WSL2/Docker container/ROS from Matlab in Win10
Hello @Goupil56, The key for enabling the communication between WSL2 ROS and MATLAB/Simulink is to make sure the environment va...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Convert Struct to Pointcloud using ROS2
Hello Manuel, The function pointCloud takes 3-D coordinate points as input argument. However, the variable 'a' here in the scre...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Simulink/ROS Publishing pose of a 7 DOF arm using moveit_msgs/MoveGroupActionGoal
Hello Hasan, In Simulink, each string is represented as an array of uint8 values. As so, when assigning string fields in a mess...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Generate custom ROS messages in Matlab R2021a running on MacOS 11.4 with CMake 3.20.5. Error: Could not find CMake in your system
Hello Sriharsha, This seems to be an issue with MATLAB custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To confirm this, could you please try running th...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Publishing on a ROS Topic Simulink
Hello Hassan, In Simulink when creating a bus, it requires more information than MATLAB to lock down the message you want to se...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 3

Fail to create a ROS publisher/ subcriber for individual project
Hi Van, Based on your reply, it did seem that you are missing custom message definition in MATLAB. So MATLAB has a set of prede...

etwa 4 Jahre vor | 1

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how to run rosinit in Matlab
Hello Van, Based on the error message, it looks like MATLAB cannot find an available python executable on your computer. rosini...

etwa 4 Jahre vor | 2

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How to use String array in a custom Message in Simulink?
Hello David, It seems that the the message you are assigning here is of type "std_msgs/String", have you tried to change the ma...

etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0

Setup of an /trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory message in Simulink
Hello Martin, The message trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory contains variable-length arrays such as the 'Points' here shown on th...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Manage Ros Custom Message with Variable-Length array
Hi Marco, For WaypointArray.msg, are you referring to rsm_msgs/Waypoint? It's a bit difficult to see the full picture without ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How do I enter a string into a ROS message in Simulink?
Hello Harry, Since ROS strings in Simulink have to be fixed-length uint8 array, normally there are two ways of entering a strin...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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How can I create standalone application while using Robotics System Toolbox's rosgenmsg function?
Hello Dandanakan, It is possible to use custom ROS messages in MATLAB Compiler with the following workaround. Since "rosgenmsg"...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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