
Easy Sequences 112: Almost Golden Integer Rectangle
A golden rectangle is a rectangle whose side lengths are in the golden ratio, , where: . ...

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Given the mass and stiffness of an undamped SDOF system, find the natural frequency and the natural period of vibration
Problem Statement Given the mass and stiffness of an undamped SDOF system, find the system's natural frequency in both Hz and...

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Easy Sequences 111: Repnums as Hypotenuse of Pythagorean Triangles
The number belongs to a class of numbers called Repunit Numbers, in which all digits are . For this problem, we'll define a s...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0 | 2 Lösungsvorschläge


Factor a number into Fermi-Dirac primes
Cody Problem 58018 asked you to list the Fermi-Dirac primes, which are prime powers with exponents that are powers of 2. As note...

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List the Fermi-Dirac primes
The Fermi-Dirac “primes” are prime powers with exponents that are powers of 2. The first nine terms of the sequence are 2, 3, 4,...

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Find a number m such that 2m and the square of m have the same digit sum
The number has the property that and have the same digit sum. It is the sixth number, including zero, in the sequence of numb...

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Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: Input: s = "abcabcbb" O...

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Unique: Enhanced Performance - Large and Wide Array - Speed Improvement (66% savings)
The Challenge is to perform very fast unique function for a long and wide array. The data is small integer representing data ...

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Generate a random matrix A of (1,-1)
Input n: is an positive integer which serves as the dimension of the matrix A; Output: A=(Aij),where each entry Aij is either...

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unique with nan
input x = [2 NaN 3 5 NaN; 1 NaN 4 9 NaN; 8 -2 7 6 -2; 7 4 8 5 4]; output y_correct = [2 ...

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Unique: Faster for options 'rows' and 'stable' for large array of uint8
Challenge: Execute unique(a,'rows','stable') Faster for 'a' being uint8. The "unique" function for the 'rows' and 'stable' o...

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On a noughts and crosses board, how many possible unique combinations are there given a square grid of length n? Assumptions/...

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Unique: Enhanced Performance - Avoiding Memory Crash
The Challenge is to create the unique array for a long and wide array. Difficulties are that the normal unique(a,'rows') func...

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Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

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Find the area between curves (P1)

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Round up to π

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Right shift an array n times with constant space.
Right shift an array n times with constant space, that is, no extra array can be used. Right shift operation: Last element com...

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Palindrome Problem 1
Continued Problem 50033: A palindrome is one-thirteenth of the sum of and , where and are also palindrome. Give an example o...

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Ridge regularized linear regression
Given a predictor data matrix of size , target variable vector of size and a shrinkage factor (scalar) (ridge regularization...

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Draw a fancy '7' in a zero matrix!
Given a x-by-x matrix filled with zeros (x is odd and > 3). Use 7s to draw a number 7 into it! Like this: x = 5, y = 7 7 7 7 7...

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IQpuzzler Preparation #2: Detect isolated zeros in a 2D matrix
Return true if any isolated single zeros are present in the input M-by-N matrix (zeros with all adjacent elements being non-zero...

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apply zero padding to a matrix

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Easy Sequences 110: Integration of Sums of a Recursive Trigonometric Function
A trigonometric function, , is defined as follows: , in radians Applying recursively we define another funct...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 2 | 4 Lösungsvorschläge


Determine the minimum number of swaps to sort a vector
Cody Problem 1401 asks us to sort a vector with the bubble sort algorithm and count the number of swaps needed. For example, to ...

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Easy Sequences 109: Summation of a Trigonometric Function Derivative
A trigonometric function, , is defined as follows: where: ; and ...

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Calculate BMI
Given weight in kgs and height in metres, calculate body mass index

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Cache me Outside
The test suite includes a simple recursive Fibonacci sequence generator, but it's terribly inefficient. One simple method for im...

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Find the starting index of a consecutive condition
Given a logical vector |v|, and a positive integer |n|, return the smallest index |i| that satisfies: all( v(i : i+n-1) ) =...

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Check if a directory is on the current MATLAB search path
Given a directory name as a string, return true if the directory is on the current MATLAB search path, and false otherwise.

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poll: would you like the regexp (?@cmd) functionality to be banned in Cody?
This problem is a poll (and a little bit of "white hat hacktivism" as well) regarding Cody users sentiment about the use of rege...

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