Use Parfoor Loop for Parameter Sweep Optimization
You can do this using a custom reduction function in parfor. Like this: p = 1:10; someFcn = @sin; % Use a 2-element vector to...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 2

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SMPD block getting stuck and not executing
I suspect the problem here is that the way that you're using spmdSend and spmdReceive doesn't quite match how they work. When yo...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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How can I Ensure Transparency in parfor-Loops when using cell2table ?
Most of the table-building functions can have this problem if you do not specify 'VariableNames', like this (tested in R2019a): ...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 2

Parrallel run using parfor and institute server?
The problem with converting the outer loop to parfor is described in the error message that you get when you try: Error: When i...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

Incompatible indexing of variable for parfor
The total size in bytes of Network is 5*12*76*8 = 36480. That is tiny. Ignore the parfor "broadcast" warning - that is intended ...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

Minimum/maximum CUDA Toolkit requirement for R2022a
To run code using gpuArray, you do not need to install a CUDA Toolkit. You only need a CUDA driver. You should always* install t...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

Is there an easy way to find out which workers are running on the same host in a Generic Cluster job so I can efficiently allgather?
You can use gop to perform general MPI-style all-reduce operations, and a special case of that is gcat which can operate as an M...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Unsure why parfor loop does not work in this case
The problematic variables appear to be both M and P. For M, you have multiple different "reads" from the variable after the init...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

Writing to .mat simultaneously with parfor loop
Don't attempt to save from multiple workers to the same file, this will sometimes fail (exactly when/how it fails depends on you...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 2

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SPMD to process different iteration on different worker
It's not entirely clear to me quite what you're after. You might want for (drange) which spreads the iterations of a for loop ov...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

process based parpool: keep the data in the workers
Mike has already suggested looking at parfeval. The other option, which may be appropriate for your problem is to use spmd. This...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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GUI program with parfeval
You should be able to cause the GUI to update by using wait in a loop, together with drawnow. A bit like this: while ~wait(thre...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Parfor loops indexing into table rows
There's a few things conspiring against you here. Firstly, parfor analysis doesn't understand how to "slice" table data using va...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Discarded Messages with SPMD and labReceive ... why?
Using conditional receives in this way is not a robust way to get the workers to collaborate - you have an ordering problem that...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to set a background pool to process-based instead of thread-based
Unfortunately, as you have seen fopen is not yet supported on thread-based pools such as backgroundPool. There is no way to conf...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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parfeval with fetch not working
You cannot pass database connection objects to workers directly like this. You should use createConnectionForPool . There are ex...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 2

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How to select GPU when doing thread-based parallel?
Unfortunately, spmd is indeed not yet supported for thread-based pools. Until it is, you can do something like the following to ...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Segmentation error during parfor loop (remote linux server)
The crash dump suggests the workers are crashing inside ipqpdense. This problem should be fixed if you upgrade to R2020a or late...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Why does the number of workers decrease while running parfor?
The number of workers in a local parallel pool decreases like this only when one of the worker processes terminates (i.e. crashe...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

valid indices in a parfor loop
There are a couple of ways to work around this. You can either unroll the inner loop, or else make the output matrix 3d so that ...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Using public class methods and libraries in parfeval()
I suspect the problem here is that when you transfer instances of your ADXL372 class to the workers, they are not getting set up...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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error running lines with parallel computing toolbox,
I suspect you're running MATLAB in a -nodisplay mode, and somwhere inside the code you're using, ParforProgMon is not equipped t...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Is there a built-in function to validate a class property that should be a cell array?
Rather than a validator, you could perhaps just use the class specification? (In my code below I'm using a function with an argu...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Parallel pool on function that uses persistent variables
As Walter points out, workers (either threads or processes) do not share persistent variable workspaces. I too cannot find this ...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

What can I do/try to make MATLAB release the GPU after a GPU runtime error?
Use this: reset(gpuDevice)

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

Difference between debug parfor loop and run it
Further to Walter's answer, parfor assumes that anything that is not statically provable to be a variable reference must be a fu...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Error: Unable to classify a variable in the body of the parfor-loop
The problem here is that you've got two different accesses to the variable out. On line 7, you have the valid sliced indexing ex...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 2

proper use of DataQueue and PollableDataQueue inside of App Designer class?
In this case, the problem is not with your DataQueue - it's actually with the function handle you're passing in to parfeval. The...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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How does an active parpool influence serial / threaded mex computation? (runtime/memory)
Simply: an idle parpool should be doing nothing very much other than sitting there consuming some memory. It should consume only...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Separating subtables from a larger table by using the variable values in a column
Rather than looping, you might be able to use findgroups and splitapply to do what you need. Imagine you wish to compute the max...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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