
Create Volcano (or Atoll) martix. It is an extension of Bullseye matrix problem.
For example, if n=2 (maximum value), the output matrix should be [1 1 1 1 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1 2 1 2 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Convolution Power
Create the convolution-power vector from initial vector _x_ and power _n_. In other words, similar to the scalar case, raising ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Implement full adder circuit
Implement full adder circuit as given in <> Inputs signals are a, b and ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Periodic Table II 101.
Given the symbol of an element, return its atomic number. This is the continuation of <

fast 8 Jahre vor


Fermat's Last Theorem - Fermat's conjecture
Fermat's Last Theorem (sometimes called Fermat's conjecture, especially in older texts) states that no three positive integers a...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Wheat on a chessboard pt 2
If a chessboard were to have wheat placed upon each square such that x grains were placed on the first square and each successiv...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Rotate a matrix for 180 degree
Rotate a matrix for 180 degree for eg: x=[1 2 3 4] y=[4 3 2 1]

fast 8 Jahre vor


Raise Matrix to Power
For a given square matrix x and scalar a, find x^a without using '^' or 'mpower'.

fast 8 Jahre vor


How many rectangles in a grid ?
How many rectangles are there in an m × n grid ? For example, if m=1 & n=2, we have 3 rectangles.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Reverse Concatenation
Suggest methods to form a Matrix after deleting one of the input's elements. Input should be element's position and output shou...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Keep Only the Upper characters in a string
Keep Only the Upper characters in a string s = 'Sreeram Mohan'; output = SM;

fast 8 Jahre vor


Was ist denn los?
Nur für deutschsprechende Leute! Wie geht's? ...also gut, bis bald!

fast 8 Jahre vor


Binary code (array)
Write a function which calculates the binary code of a number 'n' and gives the result as an array(vector). Example: Inpu...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Find 10's complement
Find 10's complement of a given number. An example is < shown here>.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Step up
For given input array, output a array with all elements step up by two

fast 8 Jahre vor


the number of inputs
Find the number of the inputs of the function. example y = theinputnumber(x,k); function called theinputnumber has 2 in...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Dice face matrix!
This is dice simulator, but instead of making a random die number, you will receive an "pre-rolled" number in and spit out a mat...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Rotate Matrix @180 degree
Rotate Matrix @180 degree Example A=[8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 9 2], then answer would be [2 9 4;...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Create a Standard Size Vector
Given an input x, create a row vector y from 1 to x with 5 elements.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Find elements of set A those are not in set B
Given two sets of data A and B. Find elements of A those are not in set B. ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Return three quarters of n without using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Polynomial Evaluation
Create a routine that takes a list of coefficients of a polynomial in order of increasing powers of x; together with a value of ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Increase monotonically
Return true if the elements of the input vector increase monotonically (i.e. each element is larger than the previous). Return f...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Repeat The Components of Matrix
Repeat The components of a matrix so that the size of the output matrix is double to input matrix and components are repeated ne...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Set a diagonal
Given a matrix M, row vector v of appropriate length, and diagonal index d (where 0 indicates the main diagonal and off-diagonal...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Avalaible area: wall construction
You need to build a wall to enclose a certain area. Calculate the available area after you build the wall. Assumptions * ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Divisible by 2
This is the first problem in a set of "divisible by x" problems. You will be provided a number as a string and the function you ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Rank of magic square (for beginners)
Compute the rank r of a magic square of order n WITHOUT rank and magic functions.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Matrix Generation.
if input n =1, generate a matrix y = [1]

fast 8 Jahre vor


Soccer - TOTO
How many different outcomes are there in a soccer-TOTO with n games? For each game there are three results: win - loss - equa...

fast 8 Jahre vor

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