input is not supported for code generation
I found similar question answered before :

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1

Problem using :(colon operator) and ndgrid in Matlab Coder
I modified the code a little bit and the code generation was successful function B = myFunc() a=[ 5 185 ; 50 230; 95 ...

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Coder not replacing CMSIS library
According to this page, the matrix multi...

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I've tried to get Embedded Coder Texas Instruments C2000
I am not sure if you can get trial versions for student editions : ...

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How do I install Embedded Coder Support Package for Energia?
Please contact MathWorks technical support with proper details :

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Undefined function or variable 'getFISCodeGenerationData'
From the below documentation is see that the function "getFISCodeGenerationData" is supported from R2018b (release is mentioned ...

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Code generation to C/C++ compiler option "fp:strict"
I could not reproduce this in R2019b version of MATLAB (and I have not verified this is the case in the previous releases). You...

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Why do I always need coder.varsize directives?
Thanks for asking this interesting question. I will try to answer this to the best of my knowledge. Enable / Disable variable ...

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Is it possible to define cstructname for a struct property of a classdef
Unfortunately coder.cstructname cannot be applied on class properties. I have made an internal note to enhance this restrction i...

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Output argument 'check_equal' is not assigned on some execution paths
This is because output variable should have a value in each execution branch. Otherwise MATLAB Coder compiler will not be able t...

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"ss2sos" :ss2sos is not supported for code generation.
The function "ss2sos" is not supported for codegeneration. You can find the list of supported function in the below page : http...

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How to see called function in a c file generated from MATLAB coder
It depends on the "other" function. If it is an utility function (not user written), then MATLAB can make use of its own interna...

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External mode on Simulink
Which version of MATLAB are you using ? Below documentation explains how to connect to external mode in the R2019b MATLAB : ht...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1

Error using mex. No supported compiler or SDK was found.
You can install any of the supported compiler for MATLAB Coder.

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1

Unable to Convert Vitdec to C using MATLAB coder
The below documentation page lists the functions supported for code generation :

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 2

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Matlab Coder: codegen command line vs gui. 100x slower. why?
MATLAB Compiler and MATLAB Coder are two separate products having different objectives. As you have guessed correctly, MATLAB ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

How can I send a string to a simulink input block?
Now strings are supported in Simulink. You can use the string related blocks to do the string manupulation. Below is the list of...

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Circle Fit at the Corner of the Step??
I guess there is something wrong going on in estimating the radius of curvature using the x,y points. Please refer below code to...

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Is toolbox "MATLAB_Builder_for_Java" the same as "MATLAB Compiler SDK" ?
*MATLAB Builder JA* was present as a toolbox prior to R2015a. From R2015a , *MATLAB Compiler SDK* was introduced by refactoring ...

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how ro make a cross section for a meshplot
The following MATLAB answer posts discusses about the similar issue: <

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Can I get an .stl from a spreadsheet?
I hope below File Exchange Submission will help you: <>

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How to compile a DLL file to be externally configured
Below MATLAB answer posts discusses about the similar issue: <

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Transfer Function with high order (for example 15th order or more)
The question is abstract. I am not clear if you are looking for a physical system with higher transfer function or you just rand...

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Circle Fit at the Corner of the Step??
This is due to the different scaling of the axes. If you observe y axes varies from 0 to 1, while x axes varies from 0 to 2000....

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Good method to store pyramid shaped cell array?
You can make use the of the linear indexing of MATLAB. Basically 2D matrix can be stored as a single dimension cell array. To ac...

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how to change the order of objects shown in a table using regioncrops
When the position of the object is changed, the output 'stats' table will also change. You have to do row wise comparison of two...

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made input into string but it's not showing all the numbers I need
There can be multiple ways to resolve this. One simple way is to using sprintf() to specify the format. The code will be like be...

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Configure Matlab Compiler to Visual Studio programmatically
If you are using the MATLAB version which is prior to R2017 below answers may help you: <

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Webread certificate problems - roll your own java works, webread doesn't. Why?
There is a detailed answer available for the similar issue in the below answer link: <

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Real-time implementation of cascaded all-pass filters from given transfer function
I think you can use the cascade function available in the signal processing toolbox. Please try to use this function in a loop t...

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