1.668 Ergebnisse



von Rik

read any (text) file, either UTF8 or ANSI


Version 2.0.0

von Rik

find for 3D or ND

popen read and write


von Dan Ellis

MEX source to acccess popen r/w

This repository contains a Japanese version of a published repository "Electrophysiology tutorial for neuroscience" by Shubo Chakrabarti htt

An introductory demonstration of the discrete Fourier transform, making use of the fft function.

You can learn how to detect and localize anomalies on image using Convolutional Auto Encoder.

Base commands to control Word in Matlab

The Model Debugger for SimBiology lets you analyze model responses, model structure, and expressions during simulations.



von Rik

Matlab and Octave interface to the SQLite engine.

Please click the thumbnail to watch the GIF file. 概要はサムネイルをクリックして下さい.This demo shows how to continuously create a class activation mapping.

Animated GIF


von Robert Bemis

How to generate an animated GIF from MATLAB

A brief explanation of the half-pixel offset in pcolor and surf.

Analyze data from a weather station connected to ThingSpeak



von Jed F.

Save Matlab figure(s) to a PowerPoint Slide

A hyper-plane in SVM classifier was visualized. 3変数にてSVMを使い、分類を行うときの分離曲面を可視化します。

You can learn how to detect and localize anomalies on image using Variational Autoencoder

Live Script shows how to find data peaks from EKG, how to refine peaks from data, and infer heart rate from peaks of Electrocardiogram data

Models VAR using GDP for Malaysia, GDP for U.S. and Malaysia/U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate

Live Script shows complex calculations of digital signal processing (DSP) perform to infer info from biological signals acquired by sensors

This is an example showing how to use Lucas-Kanade method to show optical flow field

This is a tutorial for key data analysis steps used by neuroscientists - filtering, spike extraction, PCA, clustering, and spectral analysis

Files for demonstrating how to perform portfolio optimization

Mackey Glass Time Series Prediction Using Least Mean Square (LMS)

Create random point inside a polygone

A simple example of how to create a map of sea level rise using publicly-available data.

Bifurcation diagrams for continuous-time dynamical systems based on analysis of local maxima and minima

Step-by-step tutorial of singular spectrum analysis (SSA)

GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON for MATLAB

Redraws any curved art with animation using the Fourier transform.



von Rik

Region growing algorithm (supports 2D, 3D, and ND)

Easily perform 2D highpass, lowpass, bandpass, or bandstop filters on gridded datasets.

Simple GUI to fit 6 different first order flotation kinetics equation types to experimental data.

Round numeric array values to IEC 60063 resistor/capacitor values (E-Series of preferred numbers).

Compute/manipulate directed graph while retaining vertex labels

Geolocate data points from ocean color bin indices.

Distance from a point to a plane, and the projected point coordinates on the plane. Also works for array of points.


Version 3.6.3

von tetonedge

MATLAB library for elastic functional data analysis

An extension of inpaint_nans to 3 dimensions

mex-wrapper for an empirical model IRI

An interesting new architecture for artificial neural networks

Convert SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix) into numeric values. Bonus: binary prefixes!

Mex implementation of 3 majors neural networks classifiers.

Convert numeric values to a string array of integers with ordinal suffixes. Fully vectorized!



von Chad Greene

colorbar date formatting.

4 DOF arm imported via SimMechanics generates dynamics for optimal pick-place control solved by DIDO

This function downloads and plots daily sea ice concentration fields.

Implementation of some state-of-art intrinsic dimensionality estimators.



von Oleg Komarov

Regstats enhanced. Robust std.errors; loops on a matrix of responses, 'onlydata' model.

Computes nearest neighbour(s) by Euclidean distance



von Chad Greene

A nuanced method of plotting uncertainty.



von Chad Greene

Easily plot linear trend lines or polynomial fits to scattered data.

Easily read full or partial Landsat 8 .tiff images.

Propagates geodesic distances in binary or label images, and computes geodesic diameter

Subplots without extra space in their twixt.

example code and generic function for random forests (checks out of bag errors and leaf size)

Demo files from the August 21, 2008 Webinar



von Tucker McClure

Simulation engine for hybrid continuous- and discrete-time systems

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