6.728 Ergebnisse

Beats MATLAB 300% - 400% in some cases ... really!

individual matrix multiplies to perform for the result. i.e., MTIMESX treats these cases as arrays of 2D matrices and performs the operation on the associated parings. For example: If A is (2,3,4,5) and B

MatLab object for segmenting sequences of real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values.

HandsOn-SEA is a low cost robotic device enabling the students to interact with virtual environments

plot beautiful chord chart 好看的弦图绘制

(blocks above)rng(3)dataMat = randi([1, 15], [7, 22]);dataMat(dataMat < 11) = 0;dataMat(1, sum(dataMat,1) == 0) = 15;colName = {'A2M', 'FGA', 'FGB', 'FGG', 'F11', 'KLKB1', 'SERPINE1', 'VWF

A small collection of utilities for stripping MATLAB comments from strings and files.

This is a small collection of utilities for stripping MATLAB comments from MATLAB code. The code may be given in strings, cell arrays of strings, or read from a file or file identifier. There is

MatLab object for clustering real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values

The purpose of this code is to compute a specific Dose metric given a DVH with relative dose and relative volume.

>> D2cc: Dose covering 2cc of the Volume is 7.95% of the dose >> D2cc: Dose covering 2cc of the Volume is 3.816Gy Example 5: >>ComputeDoseMetric_fromDVH(Dose_x, Volume_y, 'MLD', 48, 22

Finite-element-based global DVC method (guarantee global kinematic compatibility and decrease noise by adding regularization penalties).

This is a MATLAB 3D-volumetric finite-element-based DVC code I wrote to compare with our newly proposed ALDVC algorithm [1,2].% =========================================% InstallationFE_Global_DVC

Alphanumeric sort of a cell/string/categorical array, with customizable number format.

defaultans = 'A1' 'a1' 'a2' 'A2' 'a10' 'A20'>> natsort(F, [], 'matchcase')ans = 'A1' 'A2' 'A20' 'a1' 'a2' 'a10'%% Sort order:>> G = {'2', 'a', '', '3', 'B', '1'};>> natsort(G

Alphanumeric row sort of a cell/string/categorical/table array, with customizable number format.

; sortrows(A,[2,-3]) % SORTROWS for comparison.ans = 'B' '10' 'X' 'A' '100' 'X' 'A' '2' 'Y' 'B' '2' 'X' 'A' '20' 'X'>> natsortrows(A,[],[2,-3])ans = 'A' '2' 'Y' 'B' '2' 'X



von Rob Campbell

This function visualizes raw (grouped) data along with the mean, 95% confidence interval, and 1 SD.

Whilst box plots have their place, it's sometimes nicer to see all the data, rather than hiding them with summary statistics such as the inter-quartile range. This function (with a tongue in cheek

Alphanumeric sort of filenames or filepaths, with customizable number format.

To sort the elements of a string/cell array use NATSORT: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34464-customizable-natural-order-sortTo sort the rows of a string/cell array use

Bayesian algorithm for segmenting real-valued input-output data into non-overlapping segments

Matlab implementation of an MMSE based noise PSD tracking algorithm for speech enhancement.

Solves the eigenproblem kz(omega,kx,ky) and plots the field distributions for allowed modes

Convert your .plt files into .txt files which can be imported straight into Excel, Origin... etc

Hi. Here is a code to compute the convolution of two discrete-time signals x[n] and y[n].



von Yu Zhang

This demo is to validate the MLR-based method for SSVEP recognition.

A toolbox to encode/decode JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack files in MATLAB/Octave

named "Micronus Prime - beta" - is the beta-release of the next milestone (v3.0), containing a number of key feature enhancements and bug fixes. The major new features includeexporting JSON Memory-Map

XML Parse-n-Find


von Sam Warner

XML parser and tag finder

Returns cell array of file names located under input folders.

http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/index?term=tag%3A%22directories%22&sort=downloads_desc - http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/index?term=tag%3A%22files%22&sort=downloads_desc -

Generating HDL code from a Simulink model to display characters on the LCD screen of Xilinx Spartan

Please see the attachment. It contains:1. eight_bit_interface.doc: Description on how to generate code for a Simulink model to print characters on the LCD display of Spartan 3A using eight bit

Calculates and plots the photonic bands at constant frequency for a 2D photonic crystal.

This program allows the conversion from atomic/weight % to weight/atomic % quantities of a system of up to 10 elements.

Step 1: select the elements that make up the system (up to 10)Step 2: input the atomic % (at%) of weight % (wt%) known values.Step 3: click on the 'To at%' or 'To wt%' to convert. The equations used

% Read the image img = imread('C:\Program Files (x86)\IMG-20240221-WA0003.jpg'); % Convert the image to grayscale if it's a color image if

% Read the imageimg = imread('C:\Program Files (x86)\IMG-20240221-WA0003.jpg');% Convert the image to grayscale if it's a color imageif size(img, 3) == 3 img_gray = rgb2gray(img);else img_gray

Spectral Analysis with MATLAB

this is a fast multi svm by using tow class svm in matlab ....



von Aqeel Anwar

Creates halftone of the provided image

Affine projection and LMS implementations are checked for time taken for execution

Root Finding Method (Newton Raphson)

Root Finding Method (Bisection)

Auto generated GUIs for models or subsystems with real time emulation.

Reads the video and saves each frames as a png file

This function spacial_predict does spatial prediction of the input image.



von Chris Eliasmith

General package for large-scale biologically plausible simulations (with GUI).

Add a percent ("%") symbol to the x, y, or both axes

This function modifies the x, y, or both axes tick labels to include a percent ("%") symbol after each label. Although the procedure is trivial, this function will save the time of having to remember

It calculates the % attendace of the 6 students at a time.

It calculates the % attendace of the 6 students at a time.



von Jan

Simple but fast date conversion: 1.3% of DATESTR time, 20% of DATEVEC/ DATENUM time

DateConvert: Simple but fast date conversionDateConvert converts the DATESTR(0) format to a date vector or serial date number and backwards.Matlab's DATENUM, DATEVEC and DATESTR accept a variety of

Fast SVD % function [U,S, V]=rsvd (X, r,q,p) % % usage : % % input: % * X : matrix whose SVD we want % * r : trunction (rank ) for exa

Matrix completion is a widely used technique forimage in-painting and personalized recommended system, etc.In this work, we focus on accelerating the matrix completionusing faster randomized singular

Develop and refine regular expressions in an interactive figure that shows all of REGEXP's outputs.

add the parse string '0_AAA111-BB22.CCCC3'.% ...interactively add the regular expression '([A-Z]+)'.% ...call to set a new parse string:>> iregexp('0_aaa111-BB22.cccc3',[])% ...interactively

This application makes 2 layers base Layer and enhancement layer from quantized coefficients

MATLAB utilities for manipulating and displaying SIR file format images.

An array signal parameter maximum likelihood estimator variance simulations

% ********************************************% An array signal parameter maximum likelihood estimator problem%% Exercise Solution and research topic on course EEL6537% 22th Feb,2012 Sun Lei

A function to calculate the cumulative dose-volume histogram (DVH) and DVH parameters from a dose map and binary structure mask.

things to remember:Structure mask must be a logical and same size as the dose mapVoxel sizes are required and are in cmExamples: >> [params, dvh_values] = dvh(dose_map, gtv_mask, [0.3; 0.3

Produces NEDC, Artemis, WLTC class 1, 2, 3a and 3b, and selected EPA driving cycles easily

time and effort - I am sharing it to speed up student simulation classes and projects. At present, the block represents the following cycles: NEDC, Artemis, WLTC class 1, 2, 3a and 3b, UDDS, FTP and

% Input - Mean anomaly M [rad] , Eccentricity e and Epsilon % Output - eccentric anomaly E [rad]

THis functions convers a avi video file into H.264/AVC video stram andthen reconverts it back.

a simple yet effective bag-of-words representation for biomedical time series, such as EEG and ECG.

this smalll program applays some image processing tool box which are useful in image registeration.

% This program performs Edge preserving smoothing in color images. %

A common technique for removing noise from images is by blur-ring them with a weighted mean or a Gaussian filter. Through theseprocesses noise reduction is achieved, but unfortunately


Version 1.0.0

von soosan beheshti

NosEE is Number of Source estimate by Eigenvalue Error % Reference Authors: % Soosan Beheshti (soosan@ee.ryerson.ca) and Saba Sedghizadeh

additive noise is considered. We present a new approach denoted by themean squared eigenvalue error (MSEE).The MSEE is the mean squared error between the desired noise-free eigenvalues and the available



von R P

Boxplot-like plot (median, interquartile range and 5%-95% range)

Structure and Motion Toolkit in MATLAB.

% Construct Gauss points and weights for a n-dimensional simplex

This script computes the weights and nodes for a Gauss quadrature rule on an n-dimensional simplex. The user can either specify the vertices of the simplex or only the dimension and the vertices of



von Jan

RunLength coding as fast MEX and M-code

RUNLENGTH - Run-length codingRun-length encoding splits a vector into one vector, which contains theelements without neighboring repetitions, and a second vector, whichcontains the number of

Neural Network

This MATLAB function can be used to find Hamiltonian Path or Cycle

This MATLAB function c% Let us create the following graph (1)--(2)--(3)-------(4) | / \ | | | / \ | | | / \ | | (5)-------(6

This exercise designs and implements a pitch period detector based on detecting and tracking peaks.

A comparison between the Fast fourier tansform and the LPC for a speech signal.

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