9.785 Ergebnisse

Predictive maintenance algorithm developed using digital twin of hydraulic pump modeled in Simscape

previous simulations. The model can be used to generate training data for the machine learning algorithm and can be used to test the deployed algorithm. MATLAB Live Scripts show you how to develop the

Takes in a logically valid expression on 3 sets and outputs a Venn diagram with the appropriate region colored

This Script is intended to Delete provided sheets , It can be an Array of sheets also.

Sheet_name / Sheet_names.% Date : 22-April-2019% % Examples : Delete_sheets_xcel('D:\Pruthvi\Test_file.xls',{'Sheet1','Sheet2'}) %To delete 2 sheets

Parameterized parts for Simscape Multibody, with gear assemblies and MATLAB code for extrusions

This set of examples shows you how to create parameterized parts for Simscape Multibody and example MATLAB scripts for defining general extrusions. The parts have been used in a wide range of

This project shows Simscape's and MATLAB's capability to size a heat exchanger and its feeds system for desired performance parameters.

Random numbers from any 2D discrete probability distribution, at any resolution.

; Yin=-5:0.1:5; Xmat = ones(length(Yin),1)*Xin; Ymat = Yin'*ones(1,length(Xin)); D1=1; D2=3; Dist=exp(-Ymat.^2/(2*D1^2)-Xmat.^2/(2*D2^2)); N=10000; vals=zeros(2,N); for i=1:N


Version 1.4.0

von Alan Race

Software for the analysis and interactive exploration of spectral imaging data such as mass spectrometry imaging and Raman spectroscopy

Submit jobs to MATLAB Parallel Server with HTCondor

scheduler.The Generic cluster type uses a set of plugin scripts to define how your machine communicates with your scheduler.You can customize the plugin scripts to configure how MATLAB interacts with the

Beats MATLAB 300% - 400% in some cases ... really!

individual matrix multiplies to perform for the result. i.e., MTIMESX treats these cases as arrays of 2D matrices and performs the operation on the associated parings. For example: If A is (2,3,4,5) and B

Two scripts: polyfitweighted2 fits 2D data with weights, and polyval2 evaluates the 2D polynomial

polyfitweighted2.m and polyval2.m---------polyfitweighted2.m: Find a least-squares fit of 2D data z(x,y) with an n th order polynomial, weighted by w(x,y).polyval2.m: Evaluate 2D polynomial produced

Get started with the Reduced Order Flexible Solid block using a simple cylinder

the behavior of the cylinder under certain loading conditions. - A script that shows you how to generate a reduced-order model using the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™See this blog post for more

Models and white paper on obtaining realistic parameter values from data sheets and measured data.

This submission was created by Valery Tchkalov and Steve Miller to help engineers understand parameterization of hydraulic valves. The included white paper, simulation models, and MATLAB scripts

Dual-clutch transmission with MATLAB scripts for optimizing the shift schedule.

: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Dual-Clutch/archive/ R2022a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Dual-Clutch/archive/ R2021b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Dual-Clutch/archive/ R2021a

A very simple wrapper that provides an interface to RGBD cameras through OpenNI v2.2

This submission was motivated by the Kinect Matlab submission that provided an interface to OpenNI version 1.5. There was a significant reworking of the interface in OpenNI v2.2 that necessitated a

This script processes DICOM images resulting in gas-ice-sediment volumetric content.

A script has been developed to process images of permafrost cores from X-ray computed tomography scans that semi-automatically results in gas, ice, sediment (and other inclusions) volumetric content

MatLab object for segmenting sequences of real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values.

HandsOn-SEA is a low cost robotic device enabling the students to interact with virtual environments

Fuel supply system with tanks, fuel lines, pumps, control system, and MATLAB code to automate tests.

dependent upon the elevation at the ends of the line. The model includes a set of test scenarios that include varying environmental conditions and failure events for components in the system. A MATLAB script

The tool get the height-Profile from GoogleEarth via COM-API and the image to generate a 3D-surface.

This is an example script on how to get data (loacations with altitude, colored image) from GoogleEarth intoa matlab surface.Use this function as a script so comment the first line!The code was

plot beautiful chord chart 好看的弦图绘制

(blocks above)rng(3)dataMat = randi([1, 15], [7, 22]);dataMat(dataMat < 11) = 0;dataMat(1, sum(dataMat,1) == 0) = 15;colName = {'A2M', 'FGA', 'FGB', 'FGG', 'F11', 'KLKB1', 'SERPINE1', 'VWF

A small collection of utilities for stripping MATLAB comments from strings and files.

This is a small collection of utilities for stripping MATLAB comments from MATLAB code. The code may be given in strings, cell arrays of strings, or read from a file or file identifier. There is



von Nick Sinclair

Creates Montage (subplots) of Specified Figures and their subplots

want a montage with 12 and 15 on the first line and 18 on the next.mfig = MontageFigures([12 15 18], 2,2)where the horizontal length is the first 2vertical length is the second 2. This will leave the

Direct-drive 10 MW wind turbine driveline with torque and pitch control and optional transverse vibrations

repository data,use the link below.https://github.com/mathworks/Wind-Turbine-Driveline-Vibrations-Simscape/archive/refs/tags/ to UseOpen the WindTurbineDrivelineWithVibrationsMainScript.mlx Live

Biot-Savart integration on a generic curve, by numerical integration.

Biot-Savart integration on a generic curve, by numerical integration.You can insert the points of a generic curve and the script will calculate the B induction field everywhere.You can choose between

Actuator with ideal, hydraulic, and electrical designs.

: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Aileron-Actuator/archive/ R2021b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Aileron-Actuator/archive/ R2021a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Aileron-Actuator/archive/ R2020b

Script finds the convergence, sum, partial sum plot, radius and interval of convergence, of infinite series.

This script finds the convergence or divergence of infinite series, calculates a sum, provides partial sum plot, and calculates radius and interval of convergence of power series. The tests included

An optimization test suite involving 162 integer and 108 continuous variables

MatLab object for clustering real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values



von Chris Eliasmith

General package for large-scale biologically plausible simulations (with GUI).

Control Library for Dynamixel

REQUIREMENTS-) A Dynamixel with DynamixelSDK 3.X(https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK)-) USB to RS485(http://support.robotis.com/en/product/auxdevice/interface/usb2dxl_manual.htm)-) Dynamixel

A toolbox to encode/decode JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack files in MATLAB/Octave

named "Micronus Prime - beta" - is the beta-release of the next milestone (v3.0), containing a number of key feature enhancements and bug fixes. The major new features includeexporting JSON Memory-Map

RF Utilities V1.2


von Neill Tucker

Routines for Smith Chart, TDR, Mixed-Mode S-params, Matching

as a function of distance.The routines that deal with input impedance use the form Zin=A+jB Ohms,rather than the reflection coefficient S11,S22 etc. This is simply becauseI feel it is easier and more

Calculates the parameters (and their uncertainties) to data with uncertainties in both coordinates

Technology 18 (2007) pp3438-3442 by M.Krystek and M.Anton, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig, Germany. An attached script named pearson_york_tetdata.m contains a standard statistical test data

Script used in the Japanese webinar for image processing and computer vision held on Mar. 01, 2013.

following URL.https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ref/vision.cascadeobjectdetector-system-object.html Please refer to Examples - Face Detection5: S2_2a_optflow_webcam.m : optical flow6: Tracking of cars

MATLAB App that allows to control and monitor data to and from a Trinamic motor TMCM-1160

measured data on the flyA test script is also available to send test commands to the Trinamic Stepper Motor and read results.

A toolbox for analyzing tropical dynamical systems.



von Brian Borchers

This package implements fast matrix-vector multiplication for Toeplitz matrices.

multiplied times many vectors, then use>> F=toeplitzmultaux(a,b);>> y1=toeplitzmult2(F,x1);>> y2=toeplitzmult2(F,x2);>> y3=toeplitzmult2(F,x3);... The script example.m demonstrates the



von Luc Masset

Returns the short name of a file or folder under Windows

ganerate random unit vectors |n|=1 isotropic

radius-vector:f(x)=exp(-x^2);f(y)=exp(-y^2);F(x,y)=exp(-x^2)*exp(-y^2)=exp(-(x^2+y^2))F(r)=exp(-r^2)*2*pi*rthen result of random_unit_vector isotropicThe function can generate many units vector of arbitrary dimention. Many units vectors-columns is in matrix. single/double precission adjustable. there is a

TFS Version Control Integration in MATLAB and Simulink.

them.http://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g:%22junit%22%20AND%20a:%22junit%22http://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g:%22org.hamcrest%22%20AND%20a:%22hamcrest-core%22http://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g:%22org.hamcrest%22%20AND%20a:%22hamcrest-all%22By default, it's expected that junit-4.12.jar, hamcrest-all-1.3.jar, and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar are saved in the test folder, but a custom folder can be used (see next step).Navigate to the src

The purpose of this code is to compute a specific Dose metric given a DVH with relative dose and relative volume.

>> D2cc: Dose covering 2cc of the Volume is 7.95% of the dose >> D2cc: Dose covering 2cc of the Volume is 3.816Gy Example 5: >>ComputeDoseMetric_fromDVH(Dose_x, Volume_y, 'MLD', 48, 22



von Christoph Ortner

MTRON is a Matlab wrapper for the Fortran software TRON (a large scale trust region Newton method).

routine, which encapsulates the reverse communication principle of TRON and mtron. make_mtron.m : script for compiling mtron.c test_mtron.m : implemenation of a simple test problem (uses only

Finite-element-based global DVC method (guarantee global kinematic compatibility and decrease noise by adding regularization penalties).

This is a MATLAB 3D-volumetric finite-element-based DVC code I wrote to compare with our newly proposed ALDVC algorithm [1,2].% =========================================% InstallationFE_Global_DVC

Alphanumeric sort of a cell/string/categorical array, with customizable number format.

defaultans = 'A1' 'a1' 'a2' 'A2' 'a10' 'A20'>> natsort(F, [], 'matchcase')ans = 'A1' 'A2' 'A20' 'a1' 'a2' 'a10'%% Sort order:>> G = {'2', 'a', '', '3', 'B', '1'};>> natsort(G

Genetic Algorithms Toolbox for Multi-Objective Problems with Fuzzy Logic Controller Applications


Version 0.1

von thosman

Matlab function to periodically save modified scripts (including unsaved Untitled scripts) to a backup directory

# AutoSaveScripts (see GitHub readme for better formatting)Matlab function to periodically save modified scripts (including unsaved `Untitled` scripts) to a backup directory (organized by date and

Alphanumeric row sort of a cell/string/categorical/table array, with customizable number format.

; sortrows(A,[2,-3]) % SORTROWS for comparison.ans = 'B' '10' 'X' 'A' '100' 'X' 'A' '2' 'Y' 'B' '2' 'X' 'A' '20' 'X'>> natsortrows(A,[],[2,-3])ans = 'A' '2' 'Y' 'B' '2' 'X



von Rob Campbell

This function visualizes raw (grouped) data along with the mean, 95% confidence interval, and 1 SD.

Whilst box plots have their place, it's sometimes nicer to see all the data, rather than hiding them with summary statistics such as the inter-quartile range. This function (with a tongue in cheek

Alphanumeric sort of filenames or filepaths, with customizable number format.

To sort the elements of a string/cell array use NATSORT: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34464-customizable-natural-order-sortTo sort the rows of a string/cell array use

Matlab code to remove timestamps in Windows filenames.

instance, a filename named 'hello.txt' is suddenly called 'hello (2019_07_06 22_48_18 UTC).txt'. This code looks in a directory for files, checks if there is a timestamp and removes it. Works like a charm.

Bayesian algorithm for segmenting real-valued input-output data into non-overlapping segments

Newton's method for 2 equations and 2 variables via matrix multiplication inside a while loop.

curves and the iterations of the method. It displays the iterations in a table in the command window. The script needs 3 inputs: the 2 equations, and the starting point entered as a column vector. The

Matlab implementation of an MMSE based noise PSD tracking algorithm for speech enhancement.

Fast Surface Normal Estimation for Organized Point Clouds (Depth maps)

21.22 (2021): 7630MATLABTo obtain normal vectors, just execute testFNE script.Results Input RGB image sample Input Depth map sample Component of normal vector

GUI for the analysis of TE/TM E.M. plane waves propagation through multilayered structures

fieldsVersion 2.1 new features and bug fixing:- save the results produced by the GUI into a Matlab workspace (one workspace for each frequency and incidence angle value). See the HTML file attached to this script

In this M-script we plot monochromatic energy density of blackbody radiation.

Solves the eigenproblem kz(omega,kx,ky) and plots the field distributions for allowed modes

Hi. Here is a code to compute the convolution of two discrete-time signals x[n] and y[n].



von Yu Zhang

This demo is to validate the MLR-based method for SSVEP recognition.

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