AQ6317B OSA Capture with Prologix GPIB-USB

Runs a single trace on an ANDO OSA connected via Prologix GPIB-USB controller.
Aktualisiert 18. Apr 2012

Lizenz anzeigen

OSA_Prologix.m runs and plots a single scan based on current settings of
the ANDO AQ6317B.
Connection is based on the COM (USB Serial Port) identified in the
Prologix GPIB Configurator. See here:
Ensure your OSA and Prologix devices are set to the same GPIB address.

Compile to standalone application for faster performance using:
mcc -m OSA_Prologix

Tested using Prologix GPIB-USB Controller 6.101.

Zitieren als

Priyanth Mehta (2024). AQ6317B OSA Capture with Prologix GPIB-USB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2011b
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Windows macOS Linux
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Inspiriert von: getOSATrace

Inspiriert: Agilent 34410A DMM control with Prologix GPIB-USB

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