Problems in Parfor Implemenation

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Panagiotis Veneris
Panagiotis Veneris am 19 Jun. 2021
I am new to parallel computing and I am trying to parallelize my (relatively intensive) code so as to make it run faster. However, I facing a lot of issues that I am not able to adress. The code is the following:
% Initial guess for policy function
c_pol = max(cmin, r*ones(S,1) * b_grid);
c_poli = c_pol; % next iteration
% Guess for V_t+1
load CRRA.mat % loads c_pol and n_pol from CRRA case in original GL code (check line before the start of terminal SS part)
v_pol= (1/(1-bet))*(c_pol.^(1-gam)/(1-gam))+ pssi*(((1-n_pol).^(1-eta))/(1-eta));
v_poli = v_pol; % next iteration
dif = 1;
while dif > tol_pol
ui = Pr * (((-v_pol).^(-alpha)).*(c_pol.^(-gam)));
ui = ui(:, b_grid >= -phi);
v_u = Pr *((-v_pol).^(1-alpha));
v_un = v_u(:,b_grid>= -phi);
v_con = v_u(:,b_grid < -phi);
for s=1:S %% here i need parallelization
c = ((1+r) * bet * ((v_un(s,:)).^(alpha/(1-alpha)) .* ui(s, :))).^ (-1/gam);
n = max(0, 1 - fac(s)*c.^gameta);
b = b_grid(b_grid >= -phi) / (1+r) + c - theta(s)*n - z(s);
v = c.^(1-gam).*((1/(1-gam))) + pssi * (((1-n).^(1-eta))/(1-eta)) - bet* ((v_un(s,:)).^(1/(1-alpha)));
if b(1) > -phi
c_c = linspace(cl(s), c(1), Ic); % ***
n_c = max(0, 1 - fac(s)*c_c.^gameta);
b_c = -phi/(1+r) + c_c - theta(s)*n_c - z(s);
vl = cl(1,1).^(1-gam).*((1/(1-gam))) + pssi * (((1-n_c).^(1-eta))/(1-eta))- bet* ((v_un(1,1)).^(1/(1-alpha)));
v_c = linspace(vl(1),v(1),Ic);
b = [b_c(1:Ic-1), b];
c = [c_c(1:Ic-1), c];
v = [ v_c(1:Ic-1), v];
c_poli(s, :) = interp1(b, c, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true c_t+1
v_poli(s,:) = interp1(b, v, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true v_t+1
% check convergence
c_poli = max(c_poli, cmin);
v_poli = min(v_poli, cmin);
dif1 = max(max(abs(c_poli - c_pol)));
dif2 = max(max(abs(v_poli-v_pol)));
dif = max([dif1,dif2]);
% update
c_pol = c_poli;
v_pol = v_poli;
Trying to use ''parfor'' I get the following error ''Unable to classify the variable 'v_poli' in the body of the parfor-loop'', which I don't know how to fix.
Any help would be highly appreciated

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 19 Jun. 2021
v_poli(s,:) = interp1(b, v, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true v_t+1
v_polis = interp1(b, v, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true v_t+1
v_poli(s,:) = v_polis;
Otherwise you are trying to test all of v_poli() including the rows being created by other loop iterations.
  5 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 1 Jul. 2021
Unfortunately you have not happened to post enough of the code for me to assess whether that will work.
At the moment it is not clear to me which variables are updated when.
When you use parfor, the iterations must be independent of each other.
For example in the context of a budget cycle, the incoming debt might influence the budget process (because of interest payments), and it might hypothetically be the case that (for the purpose of discussion) that everything else is known variables except the incoming debt -- so (for discussion purposes) if you knew the incoming debt ahead of time for each year, perhaps you could process the years in parallel. But in practice the debt left over from one year is input to the next, so you would have to process the years in sequence instead of in parallel.
Panagiotis Veneris
Panagiotis Veneris am 1 Jul. 2021
% Housekeeping
%close all;
% 1. Set parameters
% Convenient to have parameters from labor supply equation as globals
global theta z fac gameta
% Fixed parameters
gam = 4; % inverse of EIS
frisch = 1; % avg Frisch elast.
r = 2.5/400; % ss interest rate
RA = 10; % risk aversion
alpha = 1-RA/gam; % a=0 (RA=gam) reduces to CRRA case
% Calibration targets
NE = 0.4; % avg hours of employed
nu_Y = 0.4; % UI benefit per GDP
B_4Y = 1.6; % liquid wealth per annual GDP
D1_4Y = 0.18; % HH debt to annual GDP in initial ss
D2_4Y = 0.08; % HH debt to annual GDP in terminal ss
% Leisure curvature follows right away
eta = 1/frisch * (1 - NE) / NE;
gameta = gam / eta;
% Numerical parameters
maxit = 500; % maximum number of iterations in calibration
cmin = 1e-6; % lower bound on consumption
tol_pol = 1e-10; % tolerance lvl for policy function
tol_dist = 1e-10; % tolerance lvl for distribution
tol_mkt = 1e-6; % tolerance lvl for market clearing
tol_cali = 1e-4; % tolerance lvl for calibration
% Asset grid
I = 200; % number of grid points for bonds
Ic = 100; % number of gridpoints for consumption % Ic =2;
bmin = -2; % lower bound
bmax = 50; % upper bound
b_grid = bmin + ((1:I)/I).^2 * (bmax - bmin); % denser for low values
db = 0.01; % step size for MPC
% Income shock process
load inc_process % loads x, Pr,pr
% 12-state Markov chain for employed states generated by Tauchen's method
% x : log productivity (real wage)
% Pr : transition matrix
% pr : invariant distribution
% Add unemployment
theta = [0; exp(x)];
S = length(theta); % number of states for productivity (13 states for productivity/real wage)
fin = 0.8820; % job-finding probability
sep = 0.0573; % separation probability
% new transition matrix
Pr = [1-fin, fin*pr; sep*ones(S-1, 1), (1-sep)*Pr];
% find new invariate distribution
pr = [0, pr];
dif = 1;
while dif > tol_dist
pri = pr*Pr;
dif = max(abs(pri-pr));
pr = pri;
% Initial guesses for calibrated parameters, NE ~ Y
bet = 0.8^(1/4); % discount factor
nu = nu_Y * NE; % UI benefits
B = B_4Y * NE * 4; % net supply of bonds
phi1 = D1_4Y * NE * 2; % borrowing constraint in initial ss = 0.1440
phi2 = D2_4Y * NE * 2; % borrowing constraint in terminal ss = 0.0640
pssi = NE^(-gam) * (1-NE)^eta; % disutility from labor as if representative agent
% Set rerun_initial = 1 for immediate calibration.
%rerun_initial = 1;
%rerun_terminal = 1;
% 2. Calibrate on Initial Steady State
%if rerun_initial == 1
% load par;
% Set relevant borrowing constraint
phi = phi1;
% Preallocation
cl = ones(1, S); % consumption at borrowing constraint
n_pol = zeros(S, I); % labor policy
y_pol = zeros(S, I); % production policy
b_pol = zeros(S, I); % savings policy
mpcs = zeros(S, I); % MPCs
disp('Computing initial equilibrium...');
parfor it = 1:maxit
% Update (government) budget constraint
tau = (pr(1)*nu + r/(1+r)*B) / (1 - pr(1)); % labor tax
z = [nu, -tau*ones(1,S-1)]; % full transfer scheme (tau tilde in paper)
% Find consumption at the lower bound of the state space: when both today
% and tomorrow agents are at the borrowing limit ->constraint is binding
% in both t and t+1
fac = (pssi ./ theta) .^ (1/eta);
for s = 1:S % loop over productivity states (13)
cl(s) = fzero('find_cl',... % objective
[cmin, 100],... % interval for bisection
[],... % options
s, -phi, -phi, r); % state, assets, interest rate
% A) Solve for consumption policy
% Initial guess for policy function
c_pol = max(cmin, r*ones(S,1) * b_grid); % guess for c_t+1
c_poli = c_pol; % next iteration
% Guess for V_t+1
load CRRA.mat % loads c_pol and n_pol from CRRA case in original GL code (check line before the start of terminal SS part)
v_pol= (1/(1-bet))*(c_pol.^(1-gam)/(1-gam))+ pssi*(((1-n_pol).^(1-eta))/(1-eta)); % guess for V_t+1 using c_pol, n_pol from CRRA case
%v_pol= (c_pol.^(1-gam)/(1-gam))+ pssi*(((1-n_pol).^(1-eta))/(1-eta)); % works fine as above
v_poli = v_pol; % next iteration
dif = 1;
while dif > tol_pol
% expected marginal utility tomorrow
ui = Pr * (((-v_pol).^(-alpha)).*(c_pol.^(-gam)));
ui = ui(:, b_grid >= -phi);
v_u = Pr *((-v_pol).^(1-alpha));
v_un = v_u(:,b_grid>= -phi);
v_con = v_u(:,b_grid < -phi);
%parfor s=1:S
for s=1:S
% unconstrained
c = ((1+r) * bet * ((v_un(s,:)).^(alpha/(1-alpha)) .* ui(s, :))).^ (-1/gam); % c_t
n = max(0, 1 - fac(s)*c.^gameta); % n_t
b = b_grid(b_grid >= -phi) / (1+r) + c - theta(s)*n - z(s); % b_t
v = c.^(1-gam).*((1/(1-gam))) + pssi * (((1-n).^(1-eta))/(1-eta)) - bet* ((v_un(s,:)).^(1/(1-alpha))); % v_t
% constrained
if b(1) > -phi
c_c = linspace(cl(s), c(1), Ic);
n_c = max(0, 1 - fac(s)*c_c.^gameta);
b_c = -phi/(1+r) + c_c - theta(s)*n_c - z(s);
vl = cl(1,1).^(1-gam).*((1/(1-gam))) + pssi * (((1-n_c).^(1-eta))/(1-eta))- bet* ((v_un(1,1)).^(1/(1-alpha))); % value function at the lower bound
v_c = linspace(vl(1),v(1),Ic); % value function (v_t) of constrained
b = [b_c(1:Ic-1), b]; % aggregate b_t
c = [c_c(1:Ic-1), c]; % aggregate c_t
v = [ v_c(1:Ic-1), v]; % aggregate v_t
c_poli(s, :) = interp1(b, c, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true c_t+1 >0 everywhere
v_poli(s,:) = interp1(b, v, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true v_t+1 <0 everywhere
v_poli(v_poli>0) = -1e-6;
%c_polis = interp1(b, c, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap');
%c_poli(s,:) = c_polis;
%v_polis = interp1(b, v, b_grid, 'linear', 'extrap'); % true v_t+1 %
%v_poli(s,:) = v_polis;
% check convergence
c_poli = max(c_poli, cmin); % enforce nonnegative constraint on consumption
v_poli = min(v_poli, cmin); %%%%CHECK!!! maybe we should have min
dif1 = max(max(abs(c_poli - c_pol)));
dif2 = max(max(abs(v_poli-v_pol)));
dif = max([dif1,dif2]);
% update
c_pol = c_poli;
v_pol = v_poli;
% Save other policy functions and MPCs
%parfor s = 1:S % parallelize
for s = 1:S
n_pol(s, :) = max(0, 1 - fac(s)*c_pol(s, :).^gameta);
y_pol(s, :) = theta(s) * n_pol(s, :);
b_pol(s, :) = max((1+r) * (b_grid + y_pol(s, :) - c_pol(s,:) + z(s)), -phi);
mpcs(s, :) = (interp1(b_grid, c_pol(s,:), b_grid + db, 'linear', 'extrap') - c_pol(s,:)) / db;
% B) Find invariant distribution (Iterate on prob. trans. matrix to find invariant distribution of bonds)
% Assign weights to adjacent grid points proportionally to distance
[~, ib_pol] = histc(b_pol, b_grid);
ib_pol(ib_pol<1) = 1;
wei = (b_pol - b_grid(ib_pol)) ./ (b_grid(ib_pol+1) - b_grid(ib_pol));
% Iterate asset transition matrix starting from uniform distribution
dif = 1;
pd = ones(S,I) / (S*I); % asset distribution (uniform) in period t, s: product. states, I: income states
while dif > tol_dist
pdi = zeros(S, I); % initialize period t+1 asset distribution
for s = 1:S % loop over productivity grid in period t
for i = 1:I % loop over asset grid in period t
for si = 1:S % loop over productivity grid in period t+1
pdi(si, ib_pol(s, i)) = (1 - wei(s, i)) * Pr(s, si) * pd(s, i) + pdi(si, ib_pol(s, i));
pdi(si, ib_pol(s, i) + 1) = wei(s, i) * Pr(s, si) * pd(s, i) + pdi(si, ib_pol(s, i) + 1);
% check convergence
dif = max(max(abs(pdi - pd)));
% make sure that distribution integrates (sums) to 1
pd = pdi / sum(sum(pdi));
% C) Check market clearing and calibration
% Bond market clearing, i refers to current iteration
Bi = sum(sum(pd) .* b_grid);
res_mkt = abs(B - Bi);
% Calibration statistics, i refers to current iteration
Yi = sum(sum(pd .* y_pol)); % GDP
NEi = sum(sum(pd.*n_pol.*(n_pol>0))) / sum(sum(pd .* (n_pol>0))); % avg hours of employed
B_4Yi = Bi / Yi / 4; % debt ratio
Di = -sum(sum(pd) .* min(b_grid, 0));
D_4Yi = Di / Yi / 4; % debt ratio
nu_Yi = nu / Yi; % UI benefit ratio
res_cali = max(abs([B_4Yi, D_4Yi, nu_Yi, NEi] - [B_4Y, D1_4Y, nu_Y, NE]));
% Report convergence
disp(['Iteration ', num2str(it)]);
disp(['Bond mkt clearing: ', num2str(B - Bi)]);
disp(['Liquid wealth: ', num2str(B_4Yi - B_4Y)]);
disp(['Debt to GDP: ', num2str(D_4Yi - D1_4Y)]);
disp(['UI benefits: ', num2str(nu_Yi - nu_Y)]);
disp(['Avg hours: ', num2str(NEi - NE)]);
% Check convergence of both, update if necessary
if (res_cali < tol_cali) && (res_mkt < tol_mkt)
% discount factor
btemp = -log(1-bet);
btemp = btemp - .1*(Bi - B_4Y*4*Yi);
bet = 1 - exp(-btemp);
% rest will be updated based on these
phi_d = phi * D1_4Y / D_4Yi;
nu_d = nu_Y * Yi;
pssi_d = pssi * ((1-NE) / (1-NEi))^eta;
phi = phi + 0.1 * (phi_d - phi);
nu = nu + 1 * (nu_d - nu);
pssi = pssi + 1 * (pssi_d - pssi);
% Update aggregates
B = B + 0.1 * (Bi - B); % net supply of bonds
% Aggregate statistics
Y1 = sum(sum(pd .* y_pol)); % GDP
C1 = sum(sum(pd .* c_pol)); % consumption
D1 = -sum(sum(pd) .* min(b_grid, 0)); % debt
N1 = sum(sum(pd .* n_pol)); % labor supply (counting unemployed)
MPC1 = sum(sum(pd .* mpcs)); % MPC
% Save results
phi1 = phi;
r1 = r;
pd1 = pd;
c_pol1 = c_pol;
b_pol1 = b_pol;
v_pol1 = v_pol;
% Figure 1 in paper
ii = (b_grid> -phi) & (b_grid < 50*Y1); % domain
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(b_grid(ii)/(4*Y1), c_pol(2, ii), b_grid(ii)/(4*Y1), c_pol(8, ii), '--', 'LineWidth', 1.3);
box on; grid on;
% set(gca,'FontSize', 14);
axis([-2 13 0 .6])
subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(b_grid(ii)/(4*Y1), n_pol(2, ii), b_grid(ii)/(4*Y1), n_pol(8, ii), '--', 'LineWidth', 1.3);
title('labor supply');
box on; grid on;
% set(gca,'FontSize', 14);
axis([-2 13 -.1 .7])
set(gcf,'Position', [440 378 700 300]);
set(gcf,'PaperPosition', [0 0 14 6]);
set(gcf,'PaperSize', [14 6]);
fig = gcf;
saveas(fig, 'fig1-policies.pdf');
This is the whole script. It would be quite useful to understand when (and where) i could gain from parallelization because it seems to me that the parts I have parallelized (see %parfor commands) lead to overheading, making the code almost 7 times slower (408 seconds vs 2661 seconds to execute).

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