Problem with fitceco can you help me please ?
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Hind Haboubi
am 20 Mär. 2021
Kommentiert: Hind Haboubi
am 4 Apr. 2021
Hello guys, i have trouble with fitcecoc function, can you help me please ?
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Srivardhan Gadila
am 23 Mär. 2021
Change line 48 to:
classifier = fitcecoc(trainingFeatures,trainingLabels,'Coding','onevsall','ObservationsIn','columns')
Refer to the description of Name-Value Pair Arguments & Examples of the fitcecoc function for more information.
If the above line doesn't resolve the issue then can you provide the complete information about the error.
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