Downloading yahoo stock data using hist_stock_data

31 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
maor yehoshua
maor yehoshua am 7 Mai 2020
Kommentiert: Mario Trevino am 17 Jul. 2020
I'm using hist_stock_data to download historical data from yahoo.
For most of the stocks it work fine, but for some stock (about 10-15% of the stock, e.g. ALGN), the command line:
[temp, status] = urlread(url,'post',{'', 'historical stocks'},'Timeout',10);
temp =
0×0 empty char array
But if I check at yahoo website the historical data is fine.
Does anyone familiar with this problem?
Thank you,
  3 Kommentare
maor yehoshua
maor yehoshua am 7 Mai 2020
Bearbeitet: Rik am 7 Mai 2020
Hello Rik,
Thanks for your help.
I ran this lines, for example:
stock_data1 = hist_stock_data('01012015', '08052020', 'AMAT'); %- this line will return data
stock_data1 = hist_stock_data('01012015', '08052020', 'NFLX'); %- this line will not reutrn any data
I'm using the following function:
function stocks = hist_stock_data(start_date, end_date, varargin)
% This is a modified version of the original file.
% Please download the file from Matlab file exchange:
% HIST_STOCK_DATA Obtain historical stock data
% hist_stock_data(X,Y,'Ticker1','Ticker2',...) retrieves historical stock
% data for the ticker symbols Ticker1, Ticker2, etc... between the dates
% specified by X and Y. X and Y can either be strings in the format
% ddmmyyyy or Matlab datenums, where X is the beginning date and Y is the
% ending date. The program returns the stock data in a structure giving
% the Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and Adjusted Close price
% adjusted for dividends and splits.
% hist_stock_data(X,Y,'tickers.txt') retrieves historical stock data
% using the ticker symbols found in the user-defined text file. Ticker
% symbols must be separated by line feeds.
% hist_stock_data(X,Y,{'Ticker1' 'Ticker2'}) combined the ticker symbols
% into a single cell array when calling hist_stock_data (sometimes easier
% for calling the funtion with a cell array of ticker symbols).
% hist_stock_data(X,Y,'Ticker1','frequency',FREQ) retrieves historical
% stock data using the frequency specified by FREQ, which must be either
% 'd' for daily, 'wk' for weekly, or 'mo' for monthly.
% hist_stock_data(X,Y,'Ticker1','type','div') retrieves dividend data. If
% anything but 'div' is specified then it will default to retrieving
% historical prices.
% stocks = hist_stock_data('23012003','15042008','GOOG','C');
% Returns the structure array 'stocks' that holds historical
% stock data for Google and CitiBank for dates from January
% 23, 2003 to April 15, 2008.
% stocks = hist_stock_data('12101997','18092001','tickers.txt');
% Returns the structure arrary 'stocks' which holds historical
% stock data for the ticker symbols listed in the text file
% 'tickers.txt' for dates from October 12, 1997 to September 18,
% 2001. The text file must be a column of ticker symbols
% separated by new lines.
% stocks = hist_stock_data(now-10, now, {'GOOG' 'C'});
% Get stock data for approximately the last 10 days for the two
% tickers specified in the cell array.
% stocks = hist_stock_data('12101997','18092001','C','frequency','w')
% Returns historical stock data for Citibank using the date range
% specified with a frequency of weeks. Possible values for
% frequency are d (daily), wk (weekly), or mo (monthly). If not
% specified, the default frequency is daily.
% stocks = hist_stock_data('12101997','18092001','C','type','div')
% Returned historical dividend data for Citibank between Oct 12,
% 1997 and September 18, 2001.
% X (start date) ddmmyyyy String
% Y (end date) ddmmyyyy String
% Ticker NA String
% ticker.txt NA Text file
% FREQ NA String; 'd', 'wk', or 'mo'
% TYPE NA String; 'div'
% All data is output in the structure 'stocks'. Each structure
% element will contain the ticker name, then vectors consisting of
% the organized data sorted by date, followed by the Open, High, Low,
% Close, Volume, then Adjusted Close prices.
% The historical stock data is obtained using Yahoo! Finance website.
% By using Yahoo! Finance, you agree not to redistribute the
% information found therein. Therefore, this program is for personal
% use only, and any information that you obtain may not be
% redistributed.
% This program uses the Matlab command urlread in a very basic form.
% If the program gives you an error and does not retrieve the stock
% information, it is most likely because there is a problem with the
% urlread command. You may have to tweak the code to let the program
% connect to the internet and retrieve the data.
% Created by Josiah Renfree
% January 25, 2008
stocks = struct([]); % initialize data structure
%% Parse inputs
% Format start and end dates into Posix times. This is the number of
% seconds since Jan 1, 1970. This previously used the posixtime function,
% but since that is relatively new, it now does the calculation using
% Matlab datenum's, which are in units of days, then converting to seconds.
origDate = datenum('01-Jan-1970 00:00:00', 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS');
% Convert input dates to Matlab datenums, if necessary
if ischar(start_date)
startDate = (datenum(start_date, 'ddmmyyyy') - origDate) * 24 * 60 * 60;
startDate = (floor(start_date) - origDate) * 24 * 60 * 60;
if ischar(end_date)
endDate = (datenum(end_date, 'ddmmyyyy') - origDate) * 24 * 60 * 60;
endDate = (floor(end_date) - origDate) * 24 * 60 * 60;
% determine if user specified frequency
temp = find(strcmp(varargin,'frequency') == 1); % search for frequency
if isempty(temp) % if not given
freq = 'd'; % default is daily
else % if user supplies frequency
freq = varargin{temp+1}; % assign to user input
varargin(temp:temp+1) = []; % remove from varargin
clear temp
% determine if user specified event type
temp = find(strcmp(varargin,'type') == 1); % search for frequency
if isempty(temp) % if not given
event = 'history'; % default is historical prices
else % if user supplies frequency
event = varargin{temp+1}; % assign to user input
varargin(temp:temp+1) = []; % remove from varargin
clear temp
% If the first cell of varargin is itself a cell array, assume it is a cell
% array of ticker symbols
if iscell(varargin{1})
tickers = varargin{1};
% Otherwise, check to see if it's a .txt file
elseif ~isempty(strfind(varargin{1},'.txt'))
fid = fopen(varargin{1}, 'r');
tickers = textscan(fid, '%s'); tickers = tickers{:};
% Otherwise, assume it's either a single ticker or a list of tickers
tickers = varargin;
%% Get historical data
%h = waitbar(0, 'Please Wait...'); % create waitbar
idx = 1; % idx for current stock data
% Cycle through each ticker symbol and retrieve historical data
for i = 1:length(tickers)
% Update waitbar to display current ticker
% waitbar((i-1)/length(tickers), h, ...
% sprintf('Retrieving stock data for %s (%0.2f%%)', ...
% tickers{i}, (i-1)*100/length(tickers)))
% Create url string for retrieving data
url = sprintf(['', ...
'%s?period1=%d&period2=%d&interval=1%s&events=%s'], ...
tickers{i}, startDate, endDate, freq, event);
% Call data from Yahoo Finance
[temp, status] = urlread(url,'post',{'', 'historical stocks'},'Timeout',10);
% If data was downloaded successfully, then proceed to process it.
% Otherwise, ignore this ticker symbol
if status
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
%Seccin modificada de la funcin original
[date, op, high, low, cl, adj_close, volume] = ...
stocks(idx).Ticker = tickers{i}; % get ticker symbol
stocks(idx).Date = date; % save date data
stocks(idx).Open = str2double(op); % save opening price data
stocks(idx).High = str2double(high); % save high price data
stocks(idx).Low = str2double(low); % save low price data
stocks(idx).Close = str2double(cl); % save closing price data
stocks(idx).AdjClose = str2double(adj_close); % save adjustied close data
stocks(idx).Volume = str2double(volume); % save volume data
%Busca ndice cuando el volumen es 0 y elimina el ndice de cada lista
% posicion=find(isnan(stocks(idx).Volume));
% stocks(idx).Volume(posicion)=[];
% stocks(idx).Date(posicion)=[];
% stocks(idx).Open(posicion)=[];
% stocks(idx).High(posicion)=[];
% stocks(idx).Low(posicion)=[];
% stocks(idx).Close(posicion)=[];
% stocks(idx).AdjClose(posicion)=[];
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
%Esta seccin comentada es la que se sustituy por la seccin anterior
% Put data into appropriate variables
% % % if strcmp(event, 'history') % If historical prices
% % %
% % % % Parse out the historical data
% % % data = textscan(temp, '%s%f%f%f%f%f%f', 'delimiter', ',', ...
% % % 'Headerlines', 1);
% % %
% % % [stocks(idx).Date, stocks(idx).Open, stocks(idx).High, ...
% % % stocks(idx).Low, stocks(idx).Close, ...
% % % stocks(idx).AdjClose, stocks(idx).Volume] = deal(data{:});
% % %
% % % % If dividends
% % % else
% % %
% % % % Parse out the dividend data
% % % data = textscan(temp, '%s%f', 'delimiter', ',', ...
% % % 'Headerlines', 1);
% % %
% % % [stocks(idx).Date, stocks(idx).Dividend] = deal(data{:});
% end
% % % stocks(idx).Ticker = tickers{i}; % Store ticker symbol
idx = idx + 1; % Increment stock index
% update waitbar
%close(h) % close waitbar
Mario Trevino
Mario Trevino am 17 Jul. 2020
I just posted the same question....
something is wrong when reading the url string.. but it works fine when copy-pasting it in a browser... right?
Did you find the solution?

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