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Is there a way to combine two variables?

9 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Jack Smillie
Jack Smillie am 1 Mai 2019
Beantwortet: Guillaume am 1 Mai 2019
I want combine two variables so that I can use it with the command 'patch' to create multiple rectangles which apparently has to have a matrix of x by 2 for each coordinate. So essentially what I want to do is this (this isn't the actual code I have, it's just visually what I want to happen if it's possible):
A=1 2 3 4 B= 8 7 6 5
5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1
AB= (1 8)
(2 7)
(3 6)
(4 5)
(5 4)
(6 3)
(7 2)
(8 1)
Is it possible to do that and then convert it into a matrix so it's useable by 'patch'?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Guillaume am 1 Mai 2019
If the order in AB is not critical, as long as elements of A are matched with elements of B:
AB = [A(:), B(:)];
If you absolutely need to have the order you specify:
AB = [reshape(A.', [], 1), reshape(B.', [], 1)];

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