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How to plot a linear fit (or Ordinary Least Squares)?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
HelpAStudent am 6 Okt. 2021
Geschlossen: Rik am 6 Okt. 2021
Hi, I have to analyze some data and put them in a graphics.
I have a matrix with the mean and another one (with the same size) of the standard deviation.
Each matrix is 6x21. I want to plot 6 different curvers of the mean with a line for the standard deviation, something like that:
But with 6 curves in the same plot (Each row of the matrix will be a curve of the graph).
How can I do it?
  3 Kommentare
HelpAStudent am 6 Okt. 2021
How? Can you give me the code?
Rik am 6 Okt. 2021
doc errorbar
doc hold
Have a read here and here as well.

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