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Measure voltage of an analog input pin

Since R2022b

  • TMADC block

Embedded Coder Support Package for Infineon AURIX TC4x Microcontrollers / AURIX TC4x


Measure the voltage of an analog input pin.

The Time Multiplexed Analog to Digital Converter (TMADC) block outputs the voltage as a 12-bit value and the output port is an array N x 1 where N is defined based on the number of channels selected.



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Triggers the TMADC input pin for conversion via software trigger.

From trigger port when mode is set trigger only enables you to provide the sample time.

  • 1— TMADC start of conversion is triggered

  • 0—TMADC start of conversion is not triggered


To view this port, set the Mode parameter to Trigger only.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean

This port receives SoC Blockset™ message from the interface blocks and the TMADC block converts this message and outputs it at the result port during simulation.


To view this input port, set the Mode to Trigger and read or Read results only and select the Enable simulation port parameter and set the port type as SoC Data (Message based).

The simulation-only Simulink® signal input port acts as a pass-through for the output of the TMADC block during simulation.


To view this port, set Mode to Trigger and read or Read results only and select the Enable simulation port parameter and set the port type to Signal.


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The block outputs the voltage as a 12-bit value and the output port is an array N x 1 where N is defined based on the number of channels selected.


To enable this port, set the Mode parameter to Trigger and read or Read results only.

Data Types: uint16

The block outputs the status of read operation at this port as one of these values:

  • 0—No error in reading the result after successful trigger for the corresponding channel

  • 1—Error in reading the result after successful trigger for the corresponding channel


To enable this port, set the Mode to Read results only and select the Enable status port parameter.

Data Types: double

The port outputs the status of the 16-bit counter value of timestamp counter.


To enable this port, select the Enable timestamp parameter.

Data Types: Boolean

This port outputs an event message at each trigger to start the conversion during simulation.


To view this port, set the Mode to Trigger only and select the Enable simulation port parameter, and set the port type to SoC Data (Message based).

This port outputs the data received at trigger input port as a signal during simulation.


To view this port, set the Mode to Trigger only and select the Enable simulation port parameter, and set the port type to Signal.


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Select one of these operation modes:

  • Trigger and read— Select this option to trigger conversion at every sample time. The block waits until the conversion is complete and outputs the results. This option enables the output port result.

  • Trigger only— Select this option to trigger the selected channel via a software trigger. This option enables the input port trigger. As the block does not show the conversion results in this mode, you have to use another TMADC block with the Mode parameter set to Read results only to display the conversion results.

  • Read results only— Select this option for the block to read the result at the selected channel. The block outputs 0 at the status port if it is able to read the result and 1 otherwise. This option enables the output port result.

If you set the Mode to Trigger and read, then select the required number of channels ranging between 1 through 16. The number of channels are limited to 1 if you set the Mode to Trigger only or Read results only.

Select to enable the timestamp.

When you select the Enable timestamp parameter, the block configures an additional output port, timestamp similar to result port to read the timestamp.


  • TMADC module has 16-bit timestamp counter which resets after every counter overflow.

  • Enable timestamp parameter is not available when mode is set to Trigger only.

When you select this parameter, the block configures the status output port. The status port outputs the status of the conversion result.


To enable this port, set the Mode parameter to Read results only.

Specify in seconds how often the block should read the analog pin(s).

When you specify this parameter as -1, Simulink determines the best sample time for the block based on the block context within the model.


To enable the Sample time parameter, set the Mode parameter to either Trigger and read or Read results only.

Select this parameter to enable peripheral simulation capability.


If you do not have a SoC Blockset license, the Enable simulation port parameter is visible but you cannot enable it.

Select this parameter to configure either the SoC Blockset compatible or the Simulink signal based simulation ports to enable peripheral simulation capability.


To view this parameter, select the Enable simulation port parameter.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b