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Read one angular velocity data sample from MPU-9250 sensor

Since R2021a



[gyroReadings,timestamp] = readAngularVelocity(sensor) returns one sample of the angular velocity data from the MPU-9250 IMU sensor. The angular velocity sample is returned as a 3-by-1 vector in rad/s along the X, Y, and Z axes. The function also returns the timestamp at which MATLAB® receives the angular velocity data from the MPU-9250 sensor. The timestamp output is optional.


collapse all

Read the angular velocity data from the MPU-9250 IMU sensor on the X, Y, and Z axes.

Create a connection from MATLAB to the Raspberry Pi® hardware board.

mypi = raspi;
mypi = 

  Raspi with Properties:

           DeviceAddress: 'raspberrypi-hysdu8X38o'
                    Port: 18734
               BoardName: 'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+'
           AvailableLEDs: {'led0'}
    AvailableDigitalPins: [4,5,6,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]
    AvailableSPIChannels: {‘CE0’,’CE1’}
       AvailableI2CBuses: {'i2c-1'}
             I2CBusSpeed: 100000
        AvailabelWebCams: mmal service 16.1 (platform:bcm2835-v4l2)

Create an mpu9250 sensor object on the I2C bus 'i2c-1' on addresses '0x69' and '0x0C'.

sensor = mpu9250(mypi,'Bus','i2c-1','I2CAddress',{'0x69','0x0C'});
sensor = 

  mpu9250 with properties:

                         I2CAddress: 105 ("0x69")
                                   : 12 ("0xC")
                                Bus: i2c-1 

Return one sample of angular velocity data read from the MPU-9250 sensor on the X, Y, and Z axes.

[gyroReadings,timestamp] = readAngularVelocity(sensor);
gyroReadings =


    0.0222   -0.0068   -0.0107

timestamp = 


   19-Dec-2020 18:15:01.801

Since the timestamp output is optional, you can obtain only the angular velocity data from the MPU-9250 sensor.

[gyroReadings] = readAngularVelocity(sensor);
gyroReadings =


    0.0222   -0.0068   -0.0107

Input Arguments

collapse all

MPU-9250 sensor object connection to the Raspberry Pi hardware board, specified as a mpu9250 object.

Example: sensor = mpu9250(mypi) creates a connection to the MPU-9250 sensor on the Raspberry Pi object mypi.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Read the angular velocity data from the MPU-9250 sensor on the X, Y, and Z axes.

Read the date and time at which MATLAB receives the angular velocity sample value from the MPU-9250 sensor, specified as a datetime.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2021a