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(Not recommended) Specify whether System object inputs are variable-size or have fixed dimensions

This method will be removed in a future release. Use the isInputSizeMutableImpl method instead.


f = isInputSizeLockedImpl(sysObj,n)


f = isInputSizeLockedImpl(sysObj,n) indicates whether the size of the nth input to the System object™ sysObj can change during subsequent calls to run the object.

  • If f is true, the size is locked and the input to the System object cannot change size.

  • If f is false, the input is not locked and has variable size. The size of the input to the object can change while the object is running and locked.

The isInputSizeLockedImpl method executes once for each input during System object initialization.

Input Arguments

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System object, specified as a System object.

Index of input to System object, specified as a positive scalar number.

Example: 2

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fi

Output Arguments

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Indication of whether input size is fixed, returned as logical true (1) or false (0).

When the size of an input is fixed, the software compares the size of each input sample against the size of the first input sample. When the size of an input sample does not match the size of the first input sample, the software issues an error.



To learn about attributes of methods, see Method Attributes.


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In the class definition file for the System object, write an implementation of the isInputSizeLockedImpl method for each input to the System object to specify whether the input has fixed or variable size.

methods (Access = protected)
   function f = isInputSizeLockedImpl(~,ind)
      f = true;

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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R2018a: isInputSizeLockedImpl will be removed

The isInputSizeLockedImpl method will be removed in a future release. Use the isInputSizeMutableImpl method instead.