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(To be removed) Construct quality ID from item quality

Support for the OPC Data Access (DA) standard will be removed in a future release. Instead use OPC Unified Architecture (UA). See Compatibility Considerations.


QualityID = opcqid(QualityStr)


QualityID = opcqid(QualityStr) returns the quality ID, which is a number between 0 and 255, corresponding to the specified quality attribute. The quality must be a character vector or string in the form 'Major Quality: Quality Sub-status (Limit Status)'.

If QualityStr is an array of quality values, then QualityID will be a matrix having the same size as QualityStr.

For more information on quality values, see OPC Quality.


Construct the quality ID from the quality text of the item Random.Real8 on the Matrikon™ OPC Simulation Server:

da = opcda('localhost','Matrikon.OPC.Simulation');
grp = addgroup(da);
itm = additem(grp,'Random.Real8'); 
qualityID = opcqid(itm.Quality)

Version History

Introduced in R2007b

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See Also
