
Add dual vertical cursors to a plot.
Aktualisiert 18. Feb 2022

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

Dual cursors are useful for picking relative measurements off of a plot; for instance - calculate the period of a time series, or the relative amplitude of two frequencies. A picture's worth a thousand words, so take a peek.
Key Features:
- Basic syntax: dualcursor on / dualcursor off
- Extended syntax supports a high level of control
- Works with live data streams
- Works in GUIDE guis
- Includes delta calculations (x2-x2, y2-y1)
- Export selected region to a new figure or to the workspace

Zitieren als

Michelle Hirsch (2025). dualcursor (https://github.com/michellehirsch/MATLAB-Dual-Cursors), GitHub. Abgerufen.

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Erstellt mit R14
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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Moved code to GitHub. Removed mistaken attribution.

Enhanced support for zoom and pan. If you zoom or pan such that the cursors go off screen, they are automatically brought back in to the visible part of the axis. Good stuff.

Removed hype from description.

A few small feature requests.

A few small updates based on user feedback.

Small fix - now works when the axes is parented to a uipanel, too (I wrote the original back in the day when the figure was the only parent an axes ever had ...)

Enhancement - now works when axes is parented to uipanel.

Now works (hopefully) with plot types that create compound (hggroup) objects, such as stem. Thanks to Ralph Schmidt for pointing out the bug.

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