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Triangulierungen darstellen und mit ihnen interagieren

Stellen Sie 2D- oder 3D-Triangulierungsdaten als triangulation-Objekt dar und verwenden Sie Objektfunktionen, um geometrische Mengen zu berechnen. Sie können die Triangulierung anzeigen und mit STL-Dateien arbeiten, um Triangulierungsdaten zu lesen und zu schreiben.


alle erweitern

triangulationTriangulation in 2-D or 3-D
barycentricToCartesianConvert coordinates from barycentric to Cartesian
cartesianToBarycentricConvert coordinates from Cartesian to barycentric
circumcenterCircumcenter of triangle or tetrahedron
edgeAttachmentsTriangles or tetrahedra attached to specified edge
edgesTriangulation edges
faceNormalTriangulation unit normal vectors
featureEdgesSharp edges of surface triangulation
freeBoundaryFree boundary facets
incenterIncenter of triangulation elements
isConnectedTest if two vertices are connected by an edge
nearestNeighborVertex closest to specified point
neighborsTriangle or tetrahedron neighbors
pointLocationTriangle or tetrahedron enclosing point
sizeSize of triangulation connectivity list
vertexAttachmentsTriangles or tetrahedra attached to vertex
vertexNormalTriangulation vertex normal
boundaryshapeCreate polyshape from 2-D triangulation
stlreadCreate triangulation from STL file
stlwriteCreate STL file from triangulation
tetrameshTetrahedron mesh plot
trimeshTriangular mesh plot
triplot2-D triangular plot
trisurfTriangular surface plot
